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November 10, 2004

"Don't take us there!"... At least not until we decide whether "There" exists. Wikipedia's NPOV (Neutral Point of View) Disputes Page more inside
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." [Oscar Wilde]. For your night-skying pleasure: Free monthly skymaps at (of course) SkyMaps; local satellite and spaceship activity at Heaven's Above; and my favorite, what's in the sky tonight at Earth & Sky. Great resources for the backyard stargazer.
The Ouch Kit. Marriage counseling in a box! "It's simple. You get a strong feeling and fill out the back of whichever card suits your mood. Next, you leave the card where your partner is sure to find it. Then your partner responds with another card -- whichever one feels right. Keep exchanging cards until you are both feeling better."
The Vampire Watermelon : fact or fiction? more inside
Scotsmen, take your partners for the Slow Frenzy
Things you hear in passing can definitely pique your curiosity. We hear the most interesting things in the most everyday places--maybe on the tube or out in the city. Have you overheard anything that stirred your imagination lately? Have you caught an eavesdropper in the act? Maybe you're looking to do some serious listening in of your own...
Twenty Monkeys with Hats and One Squid
Apologize for the election in pictures hopefully my second post ever isnt another double post. :-(
Rasterize is an excellent new word. Go big or stay home. more inside
Much more than cosplay, Sailor Moon worship and sleeping commuters... From ripping out ATM machines with bulldozers to the changing of the guard in anime to decline in the craft of making sake, Sake-Drenched Postcards' mysterious Captain Japan writes about the stranger and deeper side of Japanese culture with a dry, crisp journalist's touch, like an eastern Theroux.
Dirty Found: Found Magazine gets all kinds of flotsam and jetsam and publishes it- notes, photographs, and, for lack of a better term, whatnot. Sometimes, people send in things that are a little too raunchy for the magazine. Thus, Dirty Found, in bookstores near you.
The Call of Cthulhu movie The loons at The Howard Philips Lovecraft Historical Society are making a film version of HPL's infamous tale. (a follow-up to this thread) more inside
The Blasters Home Page I was kinda bummin' about the election an' stuff and I just randomly clicked on 'The Blasters' in iTunes and what do ya know! Sunshine! Smiles! Dancin'! Marie-Marie ! ! !
Despite higher political aspirations by its poster boy, Vermont seems to harbor many with slightly different ideas concerning their state's place in the Union. Is talk of this Second Vermont Republic truly beneficial to the people of Vermont? Is it dangerous, genius, or just hot air?
Win a Date With Curious George: Okay, I haven't been out as part of a couple since my ex-marriage started falling apart, and I've got two tickets to a screening tomorrow of Johnny Depp's "Finding Neverland". more inside
Ashcroft's Outta here! I almost didn't post this, because of how newsfilter-ey we've been lately. Then I read this part of his letter of resignation: "The objective of securing the safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved..." And I couldn't resist.
Holidays Mini CD Exchange: If you are interested in participating in a holiday themed mini cd exchange, visit the CDX subsite. This will be a self moderated exchange, allowing you to trade with friends from the site, if you so choose. Read the details on the site.
Firefox 1.0 is out There are tons of reasons to switch to it and stop using Internet Explorer. Why haven't you switched?

November 09, 2004

Tear down this wall. The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 marked the symbolic end of the Cold War.
Ever heard of MOAB? well, ok. They're thinking of creating another one called MOP... which will make MOAB look like a sissy, with a scraped knee, on the side of the road...crying (of course)... armament for an intergallactic war? Osama's new anal probe? X-treme 4th of july fireworks? ALL CONSPIRACY THEORIST WELCOME...i've got a BIG banana for you. ^_^
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