November 10, 2004

Despite higher political aspirations by its poster boy, Vermont seems to harbor many with slightly different ideas concerning their state's place in the Union. Is talk of this Second Vermont Republic truly beneficial to the people of Vermont? Is it dangerous, genius, or just hot air?
  • via Devoter.
  • Cool - that was my post on devoter! Seems a bit ridiculous, but kind of interesting that it's by someone not completely kooky. Vermont IS kind of an anomaly in the US - I mean, it has a socialist representative in Congress.
  • *blushes, lets waitingtoderail take praise for uncovering this tidbit*
  • no no no - just the first thing I ever had posted on here!
  • heh. don't worry about it. i was just kidding. sorta. bleh.
  • It's only semi-serious.
  • That article doesn't mention money, but I get the impression that one of the important criteria for the position is bringing in lots of it. Dean's unprecedented success with online campaign fundraising and overall lead going into the primary (among other Dem. candidates, not against W) probably recommends him for the job.