November 10, 2004

Twenty Monkeys with Hats and One Squid
  • POOP! It's already sold. Which I guess saves the Squidrancher and I from an all-out bidding war.
  • Bit like the Kuleshov effect, really. Same ape, different day.
  • That's damn cool. I wonder what it's worth, and if there are prints.
  • *applause*
  • I think we've had this before, but never mind. Other Monkeys with Hats. Have we had those too?
  • I do like that Bermuda hatted simian. That and of course the Pope-hatted, I would place on my wall.
  • Monkeyfilter: Same ape, different day. Cool stuff there, yea too bad its sold.
  • They're all so sad... how can you be sad when you're wearing a fez?
  • I was thinking much the same thing. Damn you, intellectual property rights! Seriously, that would make a damn cool shirt.
  • I know, pmdboi. But we're not dealing with a happy artist.
  • Right, someone artistic make something almost exactly like it, but dissimilar enough to not breach copyright. Actually, I know we're not doing specific monkeys, but I sort of like the idea of caricatures involving hats. Obviously languagehat and Fes, but, say, monkey-Bluehorse wearing a riding helmet, monkey-Alnedra in something Chinese, a monkey-Wolof in sheep's clothing, etc. (Yes, I know Wolof is a language, not an animal, but still.)
  • My name is languagehat, and I approve this post.
  • This post is great. Probably because monkeys are great. As are hats. Reminded me of Caps for Sale, one of my favorite kids' books. Also of that Matt Groenig cartoon in the "Life is Hell" books where Akbar and Jeff express their "different" emotions, and yet always look the same. Ok, sorry, lots of references...hope some of you know what I'm talking about.
  • *Sigh*
  • I dunno about hats, tracicle, but I wouldn't mind some of these historical headdresses. Otherwise, a Chinese vampire look has its potential.(^_^) While we're on Puzzle Fighter characters, how about this for bratcat? I've always liked Felicia!
  • Aren't those hats with monkeys, rather than monkeys with hats? Is this Old Hat?"This monkey is a DJ. For all you people out there that don't know what a DJ is it's a Disc Jockey. A person(or monkey in this case) that jockey's discs"[Apostrophe theirs].
  • Gaaaaahhh! Jittery monkey overload! "This monkey is riding a car!!!!!!! A fake one that are usually found at K-mart, Wal-mart, and other places."
  • Hats sorely in need of monkeys. Wealthy ones.
  • Mmmmmmmm. Lovely hats, Fish tick. Imagine a MoFi meetup with all the Monks in hats like this.
  • I call dibs on the purple dunce cap! ...although the Mickey Mouse matador one is quite special, too.