September 09, 2005
So you want to be a mummy?
Book your own Egyptian tomb and accessories.
From the Museum of Science, Boston.
Confirm/Deny detainment-camp allegations?
I'm really asking for this information to be confirmed or denied rather than posting this as a call to outrage. Clearly, if it is true, it's quite outrageous and demonstrates America's sick attitude towards the disenfranchised; it is definitely true, though, that being posted on a forum devoted to "conspiracy, extraterrestrial, secret project, government agency, and other alternative topics" does not help the claims' credibility and that any single source should be treated with a grain of salt. So does anyone have any further information?
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Bay Area Monkeys: Meeting up at Yentruoc's!
Attention Bay Area Monkeys! As mentioned at the last meetup, yentruoc is having a party this Saturday - all the more reason for us to congregate once more.
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Cheney Gets Heckled - and Laughs it Off
The VP doesn't mind getting the f-bomb shot at him it seems...
Curious George: Used CDs
Why aren't artists/record companies suing stores that sell used CDs?
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Infectious Disease Research in and Around New Orleans.
What happened to the diseased research monkeys at the Tulane National Primate Research Center?
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Incredible hand paintings
by a body painter whose unique canvas is the human hand.
September 08, 2005
Welcome to FEMA for Kids!
Herman the Crab teaches kids how to be prepared for disasters and prevent disaster damage. One can also learn what causes disasters, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid. And don't forget to learn about FEMA. A story about his search for a disaster-proof shell is great reading, too!
Curious George: Webtrends
New to this program and my reports won't run.
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Curious George: Organizing my bookmarks.
Any good programs (Win) out there that will help me maintain a succinct, nicely-formatted HTML link list with comments? Firefox bookmarks aren't very usable for me. Non-bloatware is a plus.
Clone a new generation
of disease free children.
Bad Science.
A complete archive of the "serious fuck-off academic ninja" Dr. Ben Goldacre's Bad Science column, which collects the week's best, um, bad science.
Google FEMA
- I was reading the story about the denied low wattage radio station in the Astrodome and wondering about the rumors that FEMA has barred the media from photographing the dead. So I Googled up FEMA history and found this and this, and thought I could have
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Flying Spaghetti Monster - The Game
In this game, you are the FSM and you must convert as many people into Pastafarians as you can before time runs out by deploying your noodly appendage. Watch out for the darkly clad school administrators!
Requires FLASH
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Curious Fearful George
Advice, opinion and calming words of comfort sought in advance of (shudder) my first root canal.
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Anarchists' election video outrages Germans
The Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany has épateéed les bourgeois with a rather silly election video.
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Even white preachaz gotta shout. (link contains streaming video, jesus)
Curious Dashboard: Help create a supermonkey naptime widget.
It's a gift for a friend. The strange thing is that she is not even aware of MoFi, the combination of monkey/bananas/pancakes came purely from her own imagination.
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September 07, 2005
Batter 'em
Once again with another Carcharodon carcharias attack near Port Lincoln in South Australia, the question has been raised Kill or be killed. Technically the Great White Shark is an endangered species.
So a surfer gets bitten. And once again people rush out with their harpoons to catch the shark in question. Do creatures who nibble on humans deserve to be killed?
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Violence in New Orleans?
A week after the chaos began, how many of those widely reported incidents of child-rape, murder and mayhem have been substantiated?
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