September 07, 2005
Curious George: hosting evacuees
I'm hosting a couple from New Orleans in my home for an indefinite period of time, starting tonight. Although unable to go back to confirm it right now, from news reports they're sure they've lost everything. Any creative ideas on how to provide a comfortable and welcoming place to stay?
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Yahoo! Grasses! Chinese! Writer!
Watch those Flickr comments, peeps...
Joss Whedon on How He Wouldn't Have Made "X-Men 3"
The "Buffy" creator talks about his near-miss as an X-director as well as his new flick "Serenity."
Curious George - Who's on dial-up?
I'm just sort of..."curious" about how many mofites are still on dial up. This thread got me thinking.
So, r-u dial up or broadband my monkeys?
Austin Meetup
: MoFites Unite! The Fall Meetup is in two weeks (Sept. 20 - 8pm@The Dog and Duck). Prepare to be there ... Bring friends! Bring family! Hell, bring MeFites! The more the merrier! Those LA Monkeys are only up on us by about 15-20 meetups so we gotta work fast!
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Dodging a Bullet
On Sunday's Meet the Press, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said "I remember on Tuesday morning picking up newspapers and I saw headlines, 'New Orleans Dodged The Bullet.'" In a press conference today, "The headline, of course, in most of the papers on Tuesday--'New Orleans Dodged a Bullet,' or words to that effect." None of these papers have that headline. Does the government rely only on the Grenada, Mississippi Daily Star for its information?
September 06, 2005
Watch it shred
A movie gallery of actual shredding; from the ordinary but tough, to the surprising.
Sayonara, Little Buddy
Gilligan has just left the building.
Celebrating the 3700 Who Didn't Die
As we un-eagerly await the death toll from the KatrinaFema Disaster to rise, let's look back nostalgicly at the only disaster where the death toll dropped by more than half. Here's a serious analysis of why it happened. There were some intentional hoaxes, but mostly confirming the death claims was "labor intensive".
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BBC: Has Katrina Saved American Journalism?
The BBC notices that in the aftermath of Katrina, American journalists are asking the tough questions. And about bloody time, too.
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Ab Fab Cantab Confab
Cambridge Meetup... details within
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Temporary homes for dogs and cats displaced by Katrina; they say they'll transport them to you, ANYWHERE!
I've heard it reported that the ASPCA has a million dollars allocated for this creature rescue mission, and I bet people are probably volunteering to transport the critters far and wide should you be able to take them in.
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Pandora radio.
Based on the Music Genome Project, enter something you like and a custom station explores more stuff you'll like, kinda like they can hear the music in your head...
The Oculas
Light adjustment through a complete spectrum of hues and brightness levels, built-in massage chair, surround-sound system, flat-panel video screen, DVD, video gaming, internet, all controlled by an interactive touch screen. I think it needs a serving hatch because I'm not coming out to cook.
Light adjustment through a complete spectrum of hues and brightness levels, built-in massage chair, surround-sound system, flat-panel video screen, DVD, video gaming, internet, all controlled by an interactive touch screen. I think it needs a serving hatch because I'm not coming out to cook.
Marie Antoinette Redux
Audio link.
Barbara Bush showing her "compassionate conservatism" regarding the Katrina survivors that were shipped to Texas. The hubris of this family is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Donate your time to Katrina victims.
From this blog entry: " interesting and important tech project: building a single database to resolve the dozens of “people missing” and “people safe” databases that have appeared on the web in the past week. If you’re searching for a missing friend or loved one .... you currently need to check dozens of online databases. If this project succeeds, there will be a single database that resolves all the outstanding information."
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September 05, 2005
"A duty of love" While he would likely have preferred another date, today seems nevertheless an appropriate day to honor the socialist, union organizer, five time presidential candidate, and hero of at least one famous author: Eugene Victor Debs. (w)
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Occult photography as art!
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is having an exhibition of old (and fairly new) photographs that purport to show spirits.
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