July 17, 2006

Poisson rouge: games for children A big collection of charming flash games and widgets for children. more inside
The Guide to Effectively Communicating While Intoxicated - PLUS, people, some history: Alcohol in Ancient Rome. For those of you with little imagination and/or who are not Australian: 40 Rock-Solid Reasons to get Drunk Tonight. I'm too good to you. NSFW more inside
Sponsor an orphaned character today! Or attend the Pictoplasma conference.
The PictoOrphanage has a long tradition of helping friends of characters to find the right match for all their character needs, while helping characters reach their full artistic potential and freedom.
Via Daddy Types.

July 16, 2006

HotCaptcha "In order to prove to us you are not a robot, select the three hot people."
More of the same censorship and spin from American Media Corporations on the Israel Conflict Great article from Eric Boehlert illustrating the sad fact that CNN has completely dropped any pretense of journalistic integrity. more inside
10 Types of Women You Need to Avoid Another list. more inside
Bug Factory - requires Flash. Design bugs. Let them do stuff.
Making a watch by hand. via. There's this post as well, for comparison. Wow.
Keith Joseph, the father of Thatcherism, 'was autistic' claims Professor more inside

July 15, 2006

List-tastic! OMFG Lists!2!

July 14, 2006

The poet of dialectics Karl Marx's Das Kapital is a ground-breaking work of economic analysis. But, argues Francis Wheen, it is also an unfinished literary masterpiece which, with its multi-layered structure, can be read as a Gothic novel, a Victorian melodrama, a Greek tragedy or a Swiftian satire
Cat-scans.com is one of the strangest sites I've seen in some time. I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why.
CuriousGeorge: are restaurant eggs different than home eggs? A coworker explains that when he used to cook for a restaurant, the eggs were different than the ones purchased in a store. more inside
Omniglot Although it has featured in comments, this site has never appeared as an FPP in its own right. more inside
Question I have a question about the way thread comments are listed... more inside
Curious George: My CD burns suck! more inside
Despite the War, Love blossoms in Iraq - between a man & his donkey. more inside
Rockfall from the Eiger A huge slab of rock has broken away from the Eiger in Grindelwald, Switzerland, (where I once bought a Swiss Army knife). News sources don't agree how many Empire State Buildings have fallen (some say half, some say two), but a formation called the Madonna has collapsed already (an omen!) It has been suggested that climate change is the cause, with glacial meltwater weakening the rock. More falls are expected. More news.
Welcome to WWIII Nostradamus predicted it... more inside

July 13, 2006

Help me learn ASP.NET I am not a programmer AT ALL. I have a new job that wants to run ASP.NET pages. God help me. more inside
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