July 13, 2006

We Interrupt Your Communication Systems With This Important Announcement. "The government will soon be sending warnings of national emergencies on wireless phones, Web sites and hand-held computers." Heck, Nixon wanted a special device to turn on your TV and wake you up if he had something important to say. View the Emergency Broadcast papers wherein "The FCC was preparing broadcast stations for all-out atomic warfare in which millions of people might have been killed and the telephone system would be used only for high-priority messages."
Michel Fournier is 62 and has big plans. And he'll break the sound barrier while doing it...
Richard Dadd, Artist and Madman He painted The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke while in the asylum called Bedlam (click to enlarge it); it's relatively small, and very detailed -- it took him nine years to paint. He was fond of Shakespeare, painting the fairy queen Titania as she slept despite the hustle-bustle going on. more inside
Firefox beta hits the "internet" shelves. Mozdev has a full list of new features added. Is this yet another nail in the IE coffin? Or will some exclusive features keep it going? Or will some features just keep keep kicking it in the ass? Of course more inside
Robert Anton Wilson is dying. more inside
Solve a puzzle...for science! (java) Try to sort out this exam timetabling nightmare as best as you can, and you might be in for a prize ! more inside
The Legacy of Genghis Khan Flash w/ sound Nice introduction to the history of the Mongol empire, as founded by national hero Chinggis Khaan.
Curious George: Blog question. Which of the free blogs allows forward-chronological order of posts, i.e. where a visitor sees the beginning of a story first? This is for a stupid personal project. I tried Googling but came up dry.

July 12, 2006

A very sad & angry update from Baghdad Burning.
Moms Prefer Smell of Their Own Baby's Poop You're welcome. more inside
Killer Kangaroos and the Demon Duck of Dooooooom!
IT Screen Goddesses The calendar of "Geek Goddesses" features photographs of real women working in IT in poses inspired by Hollywood screen goddesses. The aim is to promote careers in IT to women and girls by showing that geeky women can still be sexy. Depending on your viewpoint, the link may not be safe for work (if you wouldn't look at the "American Beauty" CD cover at work for instance). more inside

July 11, 2006

Syd Barrett Dead. So long Syd.
Fast Food Nation! I know it's rather early in the week for something like this, but who can stomach a full week without enjoying some fast food video games?
The Online Pork Rind Resource
Knob, $485 Try removing the bakelite knobs and listen. You will be shocked by this! The signature knobs will have an even greater effect … really amazing!
The Divine Comedy, or Commedia Divina if you prefer, marked the Europe's transition from Medieval to Renaissance. Written in 1321 by Dante Alighieri, it is an epic poem composed of depictions of Hell, (Inferno), Purgatory, (Purgatorio), and Heaven, (Paradisio). more inside

July 10, 2006

A Voluble Visit with Two Talking Apes - This was a great NPR Weekend Edition show that played on Saturday about a pair of "talking" bonobos at Iowa's Great Ape Trust. "Kanzi's favorite movies when he was very young were Ice Man and Planet of the Apes," Savage-Rumbaugh says. "I guess his favorite movie of all time is Quest for Fire."
Curious George: sites gone platinum What sites do you check often that you wouldn't normally post to MoFi because they're probably known by half the Internet? I bet everyone has some infamous favourite that a few people here have never heard of and might appreciate. more inside
How to Make a Sandwich
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