July 19, 2006

Recent research, drawing on genetic data, suggests that the Anglo-Saxons must have instituted a system of 'apartheid' against the British. Previously some have proposed a gradualist theory. more inside
Suske en Wiske Forget Tintin, for many kids in Belgium and Holland it's all about Suske en Wiske. more inside
Attack of the Evil Clowns You can make your own evil clown or .... more inside
XP's No-Reformat, Nondestructive Total-Rebuild Option How to completely rebuild, repair, or refresh an existing XP installation without losing data, and without having to reinstall user software, reformat, or otherwise destructively alter the setup.
The Big Lebowski - F*cking Short Version - YouTube. Approx 2 minutes. Not safe for work or family restaurants. Also, Kirk & TOS cast do Camelot. more inside
Curiosu George: Internet Radio! Let's all list our favorite internet radio stations, what kind of stuff they play, and why others would love that one station broadcast from XYZ that we love. It's been done before, but long long ago in a galaxy far far away. more inside
The Extreme Cellists are touring! Coming to a cathedral roof near you! In the same vein as Extreme Ironing, the Extreme Cellists pretty much do what you'd expect.
Regulator Of The Internet--knows nothing about the Internets. [YouTube Link] Jon, Stewart exposing that Senator Ted Stevens The legislator of Net Neutrality, knows absolutely nothing[The actual speech, quicktime required] about the internet. At all. The internet might be in for serious trouble. Here is an article explaining more about the issue, from PC Magazine.

July 18, 2006

Bose-Einstein Condensates What they are and how they are made, and how to cool things with lasers and magnets explained in a way even a dummy like me can understand.
How to tell a Thompson from a Thomson. Or a Dupond from a Dupont. Or a Jansen from a Jansens. Whichever you'd prefer. more inside
The Head of Vecna more inside
R.I.P. Mickey Spillane Mickey Spillane, the macho mystery writer who wowed millions of readers with the shoot-'em-up sex and violence of gumshoe Mike Hammer, died Monday. He was 88. more inside
Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America. A comprehensive study by Radley Balko, accompanied by an interactive map. (Via MeFi.)
MC Devvo, and Shady Piez David Firth, of Salad Fingers fame has developed set of mockumentaries on Darren Devonshire, better known as Devvo, lampooning North English working-class Chav Culture. Devvo's an unemployed youth in the area of Doncaster , who is taking a stab at a career as a rapper, along with scamming dole money, harassing people at parks and playgrounds, and generally overusing the word "dickhead". more inside
Curious George A question on behalf of a friend (I do have a friend *SOB* I really really do *SOB SOB*) about Spanish music.... more inside

July 17, 2006

Want to View HD Content on Your PC? Upgrade Wisely
COMPUTERS RENDERED OBSOLETE THROUGH HUMAN ENDEAVOR!!! The man/machine war ends in a staggering upset! WE DON'T NEED THEM ANY MORE, PEOPLE!!! more inside
Aw, g'wan, ya big pong-head
Curious George can't get simple concepts. We've all be stranded on this giant ball spinning through space for a while now, and during that time we've learned a few things -- to stop for reds, who's buried in Grant's Tomb, or how mittens work. However, we all have some very simple ideas, that no matter how many times they've been explained, that our respective brains simply cannot comprehend. more inside
Still evolving? Researchers from Princeton say that the Galapagos finches which provided Darwin with a striking example, are continuing to evolve noticeably. Some have said that while the finches may vary with local conditions, there is no true speciation, and the variation is therefore not a real example of evolution at all. more inside
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