July 15, 2006
OMFG Lists!2!
list listed listing lists
Lovely -- but it can't compare to the original..
(also known as "Mr. Happypants".)
The Action Movie Clitches is very amusing.
I've always found Reynaldo Hahn's setting of "Oh! Quand je dors" preferable to Liszt's more well-known one.
Go on, I'm LISTening.
Mr. Monkey's List of Famous Monkeys
Thanks, scartol, for giving me a chance to brag that I wrote for "The Book of Lists" as a part of my most embarassing professional writing story. I should dig out that list of "musicians famous for something else". It was inspired by Woody Allen's clarinet playing, and ranged from Jules Verne to Phyllis Diller. (I haven't seen the "Kinsey" movie; does it mention that the Dr. was a talented pianist? No, I'm not making that up for a bad pun.)