July 31, 2006

Content Restriction Anullment and Protection (YouTube) I have never been concerned about DRM, because it never seems to last. more inside

July 30, 2006

Stop Destroying Lebanon. This is what war looks like. WARNING: Includes gruesome images of dead civilians. Baleboosteh has images from the Israeli side, mostly of military personnel. more inside
Meet Dave Rat , Roadie researcher extraordinaire. Follow him in his Adventures with the Chili Peppers. Laughs! Tears! Stacks of heavey amplifiers! more inside
Ape Shall Not Kill Ape: "Watching the violence escalate in the Middle East, as Israel advances further into Lebanon and Hezbollah missiles strike farther past the border and Hamas continues to agitate, my mind turns to the same thing all of America is thinking about – Battle for the Planet of the Apes." more inside
Dual Relief An on-off switch for chronic pain ? and Card games are not mindless. Perhaps!
Arborsmithing more inside
Photo Essay: The Evolution of the Bikini
Curious George: Exporting Opera Bookmarks! I'd like to transfer my Opera bookmarks to Firefox, but am having trouble. Please hope me! more inside
Heat Vision and Jack The full episiode of the unaired 1999 pilot starring Jack Black as an astronaut who gains super intelligence after being "exposed to solar energy" and Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle, Heat Vision. Ben Stiller directs, introduces, and cameos. Youtube. Previously mentioned here.
Life mirrors Art again? more inside

July 28, 2006

Vegan diet reverses diabetes symptoms, study finds Also, there's a difference between vegan and vegetarian. more inside
Cobra is on the move again. I am a sucker for anything transformer or GI Joe related. Apparently some people found the recruitment pamphlet persuasive previously discussed here. And the commander's campaign (flash) is multifaceted. I just didn't know he was Jewish. Not related to other tin foil hat theories. more inside
Dance, pipecleaner, dance! more inside
Castle Dreamers A Flickr photoset, in the fantasy genre.
Curious, George: Recipe Hacks I am a lazy monkey, especially in this summer heat, so while I enjoy cooking, sometimes I want I dip into the instant food aisle. But it lacks a certain something, so I doctor it up a bit and make it taste less like it's from a box. What sorts of things to do you add (other than a few shots of bourbon for the chef, of course) to your prefab meals to make them taste a little better? more inside
Fred of London via

July 27, 2006

Deadlast in WWI Was he? more inside
Soviet sumbarine-base photos. I've lost my first-year Russian a long time ago, so I have no idea as to the context. But it's a Soviet sumbarine base. Inside a mountain. You need more? more inside
Zoo monkeys make bid for freedom Clever simians from Old London town make hay when the sunshines.
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