July 27, 2006

UN told Israel 10 times that artillery attacks were near its observers But, you know.
The Day the Cow Sneezed more inside
fishy pedicure
Curious George! I have a two-part question: if anyone here is allergic to cats, have you ever handled a Devon Rex? What was your experience with it? more inside
Vader Sessions Scenes from Star Wars dubbed with James Earl Jones' dialogue from other films. Long, embedded Quicktime video, NSFW (blue language).
Shave my yeti (flash)
When Freepers Fight It seems that the North Carolina anti-cohabitation law being ruled constitutional (not to mention unenforcable) as set the Freepers against each other. Mainly, the Freepers who live with their girlfriends Vs Freepers who live with their moms. Pandagan has the greatest hits from the feeding frenzy.
Curious George: Tattoos What do you think about tattoos? Do you have any? Share your thoughts! I just got my second tattoo and I am interested in knowing/seeing the rest of you lovelies opinions on tattoos as well as Pictures of your own!

July 26, 2006

One, two, poo in your shoe; three, four, wee on the floor Except for the words poo and wee, probably safe for work in all but the stuffiest establishments.
Web2.0ized logos: they're all shiny and stuff! [via]
Carrie: The Musical! In 1988, via a stunning convergence of bad ideas and money, producers attempted to reproduce the success of Steven King's novel (and the film adaptation) in a sprawling, $8 million Broadway style musical. more inside
News 14 Carolina gets pwnt From the site "On February 26, 2004, we had a snowstorm here in Raleigh, and all the news channels posted the businesses and schools that would be closed the next day. One of these fine news organizations, Time Warner Cable's News 14 Carolina, chose the most convenient but least secure method to allow businesses to report closings: the Internet. Well, it wasn't long before members of The Wolf Web, an NCSU message board, exposed this flaw. They went crazy, as you're about to see. The best part of the whole thing was once a closing was accepted, it could be edited on the Internet and would go straight to TV without having to be reviewed again, so a fake closing that seemed plausible the first time it was shown could be outrageous the next time." more inside
The Pigeon Fanciers of Damascus more inside
R.I.P. Patsy. Toronto Matriarch died Monday.
Burnin' Baby Burnin' They go whoosh! more inside
Curious George is hungry! Looking for recipes for foods I have previously had prepared by a Serbian friend. more inside
INAPPROPRIATE CAPS: Misleading title 4 exclamation points The Daily Kos hive mind parodies itself.

July 25, 2006

Curious George: Nonverbal communication. Help, fellow simians... I need help with my nonverbal communications to help my marriage. more inside
A Foreign Affair On the great Ukrainian bride hunt “These are not American women,” our guide was telling us. “They do not care about your age, looks, or money. And you are not going to have to talk to them for half an hour and then have your testicles handed back to you! Let me tell you: over here, you’re the commodity; you’re the piece of meat. I’ve lived in St. Petersburg for two years, and I wouldn’t date an American woman right now if you paid me!”
Curious George, will boys like me if I don't wear makeup? more inside
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