July 28, 2006
Cobra is on the move again.
I am a sucker for anything transformer or GI Joe related. Apparently some people found the recruitment pamphlet persuasive previously discussed here. And the commander's campaign (flash) is multifaceted. I just didn't know he was Jewish. Not related to other tin foil hat theories.
self imposed 1 week no posts punishment satisfied. I philtered the monkey on this one and didn't see a previous, but if there was, my sincerest apologies
HOLY SHIT Cracked magazine still exists!
Yeah Bruise, I had the same reaction! Excellent post, GJ.
Excuse me... *clears nerdy throat* I believe you'll find it's "Cracked MaZaGine."
As found on finer sumbarines everywhere.
I think it's online only, and that it's had something of a "reboot".
*puts hand over cracked and points at Cobra Commander* I never liked cracked it was such a rip-off of Mad it was ridiculous. Even down to the geeky mascot.