March 09, 2006

Pop Bubble Wrap! Pop pop pop pop... more inside

March 08, 2006

Children of the Future
Collecting the wondrously bizarre stories written by children found on elementary school classes' websites.
more inside
Curious George: Flash mp3 Player I am looking for a simple, clean, flash-based mp3 player to profile some of my music on my website. more inside
Hilarious College Students Find Perfect Recipe For Big Laughs! What they do is, hee hee, is they, ha ha, they set CHURCHES ON FIRE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! more inside
Clinton, Montana's Testicle Festival is but one of many organ-eating-focused events.
Feline outbursts interpreted as speech. Via. more inside
Curious George Is it possible to be addicted to Diet Coke? more inside
One topic two sideswipes Is it wrong to be slow to anger? more inside
Zombie Cockroaches! Run For Your Feeble Lives!... Insects are fucking bananas and likely our future imperious masters. You may cry now.
"I probably do need some help, but I don't know if this is the time or place for it." Some boldfaced text, and the general tone, NSFW. Unless you work in animal husbandry. Via Thesmokinggun.

March 07, 2006

Bush bests Monroe, threatens Jefferson.
The Food Sphinx. For when you've done the food pyramid and are still feeling a bit peckish...
Anonymous George: A Friend in Need A close friend of mine seems to have gotten himself into a spot of trouble, and I'm not sure how involved I should get, because part of the trouble involves another close friend. Please bear with me while I fill in the backstory. more inside
Curious George: Cell long distance (U.S.) Just a dumb question but do most people signed up with major cell providers in the U.S. get free long distance? I'm setting up a temporary number for cell phone clients and am not sure if a 1-800 number would be redundant.
Ivor Cutler has passed away at age 83. One of Scotland's best poets, he was also a musician, singer, songwriter, actor, painter, author of books for children, and humorist. He recorded more sessions with John Peel than anyone but The Fall. Maybe you remember him as Buster Bloodvessel from The Magical Mystery Tour? more inside
Why aren't you using RSS? A n00b's guide to RSS. You have a ton of sites bookmarked. You may have whittled down to a list of, oooh, a number that you check every day (/presses envelope to head - that number is six!). RSS is a way you can be MORE in touch — with a higher number of sites — while doing less work. And, thus, an aid to becoming fatter, lazier and inevitably uglier, as if that were even possible. This is me pretending that I've not heard of RSS. Of course, I'm really much hipper than that, and this is all old news. Also, I didn't search before posting. more inside
PLEASE take my Jesus plates. I have a set of 6 "Faces of Jesus Collector's Plates" and I believe they are ruining my life. WARNING: contains Craigslist
So there you are, just enjoying a nice day out kayaking.
Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator Try [FAS's] NEW Bomb-A-City Calculator. Pick an American city. Pick the size of the bomb you wish to detonate virtually (1 kt to 4 MT). Choose your method of delivery (aircraft or automobile/suitcase). Then see the radius within which most buildings would be destroyed. Then, measure the potential fallout. Both tools have handy keys at the bottom. Don't get caught in the blue! more inside
Natalie Portman Gangsta Style On SNL she speaks of her gangsta lifestyle. Watch out....this girl is a crazy B*tch!
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