March 07, 2006

So there you are, just enjoying a nice day out kayaking.
  • False, according to
  • How embarrassment - tracicle please eek.
  • Hahaha, although pretty funny.
  • Just 'cause it's fake doesn't mean it's not postworthy, you know. Are those people even really speaking Japanese?
  • It's from a Korean commercial so I'm guessing they're speaking Korean. And as a consolation prize for anyone who was hoping for genuine aquatic mayhem: shark attack. *** WARNING - GORE - NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH - WARNING ***
  • I didn't like that timefactor but it did prompt me to search and find this, which I do like."I must grow a new claw. Well and good, for I can do it in a day."
  • Timefactor, I heard two usages of the eff word in that shark attack video. Please include a warning next time, m'kay? And, to be a bit more serious: What were they doing going out into shark infested waters without bringing a gun or cheese? "The fishermen wake up excited to be alive. They hope for good weather and good luck. Both fisherman are covered with sores and boners." "I'd love a bite of your sandwich."
  • I am disappointed with the quality of camera work in that shark attack vid. You don't see anything! Just a bit of red in the water and some guy saying 'no really, it DID take her leg off, honestly...'. Pfft. Anyway, can't blame sharkey for doing what he does.
  • Sharkey's Machine?
  • Sharkey's Day (or Night).
  • Add that to my long list of Reasons To Never Do Anything Vaguely Athletic.
  • Regis fait du kayak? Is that what happened to Kathie Lee?
  • Whites, as I recall, tend to NOT do that Jaws thing with their dorsals out of the water, but instead hunker around at the bottom out of sight until they see something tasty moving around up top, at which point they come barrel-assing skyward and kablammo. my kid's a shark freak and we tivo'd a documentary on how great whites hunt seals - this is exactly how.
  • MonkeyFilter: they come barrel-assing skyward and kablammo! exclamation added. -Ed.
  • PBS had a documentary about Orcas the other day (but they kept calling them Killer Whales -- tsk tsk). It was all about a Mama Orca teaching Baby Girl Orca how to hunt. For instance, Mama Orca and sibling Orcas would beach Baby Girl, to get her used to feeling her weight supported by sand, as part of her training on hunting seals, or they would teach her how to suck out all the meat from a penguin and leave the skin intact, so as to not get a mouth full of feathers, that sort of thing. I was shocked to find how quickly I indentified with Baby Girl, and how excited I was for her when she got her first baby seal kill. YEAH! YOU GO, BABY GIRL! YOU SHOW THAT BABY SEAL WHAT'S WHAT! Which is, I suppose, not the way nature shows are supposed to go. Ordinarily, it's the baby seals that elicit the sympathy. But that seal had it comin', I swear... And those penguins too. They're all popular now and stuff, but just you wait. You'll see.
  • I saw the way those penguins were dressed! they were askin' for it....
  • Skura, skura, skura the gentle shark, Don't blame him, he blames himself, Don't hate him, he hates himself, Skura, skura, skura the gentle shark!
  • I like how one of the tags on the YouTube shark attack is funny. I know I was light headed with laughter after watching.
  • Are they sure that was a whale? I noticed Nessie's missing from that other thread.
  • Nessies missing cos I was in Scotland at the local RSPCA and I adopted her - she now lives in Botany Bay and is very happy - besides she keeps it shark free
  • We where watching the BBC's Planet Earth the other night, and I was totally rooting for the wolves and hunting dogs as they chased down some bovine sot to feed their pups. Mrs K, not so much. She's been fooled by the doe-eyed cynicism of the caribou. I saw through their game. Predators are aces.
  • It's all part of the food chain, people. And I'm on top. *burp*
  • Its difficult not to root for wolves, I say. they are spectacularly beautiful. ohwooo!!