September 05, 2006

How It Works...The Computer Thanks, dng!

September 04, 2006

Traumatic eclipse of the heart Thus proving that there is nothing wrong with Belgian taste. more inside
We have developed a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy. So claims Dublin-based Steorn Ltd., issuing a challenge to physicists to test the technology. more inside
Pics and descriptions of the World's greatest SuperDuper Heros Superheroes from around the world. Down with Spidey, up with Super Lopez!
Crikey! A stingray finishes the job for the crocs The Age is reporting that Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin has been fatally bested by a stingray. more inside
The Blogofractal - From the makers of the Blogosphere, Blogocube, and Blogodrome.
Jeffs's cultists debate Warren Jeffs's defenders and apostates discuss his capture and what that means for the cult he heads.
Chengdu. I stumbled on this when searching for pandas, and found it to be a bleak, intimate look at scenes in the remote Sichuan province of south central China, adjacent to Tibet and away from the booming eastern districts that manufacture everything in your house. Yes, I found the pandas, but the other stuff was more compelling.
ART WORKS! This man's work is nothing short of brilliance, and very beautiful.

September 03, 2006

When design meets food. People have been concerned with the design of food for quite some time. But usually it's just about making something look good. Now the Dutch tradition of conceptual design is coming to the world of food. Not that it doesn't look nice, though.
"We’re still open to the idea of a letter [to the editor], .... but we will not publish a letter that implies any sort of misbehavior by [our reporter] Ms. Flanagan." After the New Yorker published an article on P.K. Travers (the author of Mary Poppins), Victoria Lawson wrote to them pointing out how their reporter had relied heavily on her biography of Travers (and on documentaries based on that biography), and yet made almost no acknowledgement of that fact within her article. more inside
The Royalist Former royal butler Paul Burrell reveals a secret Princess Diana told him two days before she died.
MuppetWiki. Read about everything Jim Henson- and Muppet-related, like The Muppet Show's musical legacy (Alice Cooper, Dizzy Gillespie, and Diana Ross, among others, all hosted episodes), or how Prairie Dawn was one of many "Little Anything Muppets," or the evolution of "Mahna Mahna," or the many international incarnations of Sesame Street. more inside

September 02, 2006

Curious George: Acoustic Song List? A friend of mine - Joey Joe Jones, Jr.-Shabbadoo? Anyway, he's compiling a list of songs to play on acoustic guitar. Thoughts? more inside
The promise of online dining has been partially fulfilled. If you live in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pensylvania or Illinois, I have a very exciting announcement. Foodler is a big honking list of local restaurants who will deliver food to you (and another list for take-out). Similar things have existed in the past but foodler works really well. Sign up, give them your zip code, choose a place to eat (here in Cambridge MA I can get everything from American to Bangladeshi to Desserts, Italian and Thai) clickey clikey and in half an hour chop stickey! Also has reviews and favorites. Totally awesome if you're lazy. The interface is great, the selection is wonderful, and the restaurants that have signed on really seem to 'get it'. more inside
The Vietnam Syndrome. "In the 1960s, the United States blanketed the Mekong River delta with Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant more devastating than napalm. Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam War, the poisoned legacy lives on in the children whose deformities it is said to have caused." Photo essay by James Nachtwey, written essay by Christopher Hitchens. [Via C&L.]

September 01, 2006

Mao Removed From History Books Nearly overnight the country's most prosperous schools have shelved the Marxist template that had dominated standard history texts since the 1950s. "The new history is less ideological, and that suits the political goals of today." Pilfered, as a stale crust of bread, from mr_crash_davis and The Blue more inside
Jitsu! Once a day, for 24 hours, we showcase something new and exciting in this beautiful world. Something you may have never seen before. Then it's gone, never to be seen again! It could be new game, an awesome book, a great video—who knows!?? Something that's useful, fun, and hopefully new to you.
Chet Baker Tributes. Today, a new jazz festival starts in T.O. in honour of Chet Baker, to raise funds for a Foundation run by his widow Carol. Also, a biopic will soon come out, even if it can never be as transfixing as the real thing.
Behind the Scenes at Jay-Z's 10th Anniversary Concert Check out Jay-Z's 10th Anniversay Concert, honoring his first album "Reasonable Doubt"
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