September 01, 2006

Jitsu! Once a day, for 24 hours, we showcase something new and exciting in this beautiful world. Something you may have never seen before. Then it's gone, never to be seen again! It could be new game, an awesome book, a great video—who knows!?? Something that's useful, fun, and hopefully new to you.
  • somehow the pie factory level of Donkey Kong was like a million times more fun. I blame girls for ruining it.
  • Well, today it is about giant carnivoous mice eating over a million sea-bird chicks a year on Gough Island. Thus, turning it into another extremely downside thread for MoFi.
  • ... but, wait! Maybe these wretched parent birds will opt to settle here instead.
  • Today it's a video of OK Go on treadmills. Am I the only one that thinks they're interesting for about 39 seconds at a time?
  • ... something new and exciting in this beautiful world ... Oh!Iis that an attack of jaundice I see hovering in the wings? *readies hook*