September 02, 2006

Curious George: Acoustic Song List? A friend of mine - Joey Joe Jones, Jr.-Shabbadoo? Anyway, he's compiling a list of songs to play on acoustic guitar. Thoughts?

This would be a diverse and versatile songlist that could be used for entertaining everyone from masses of drunken hordes or perhaps a few folks down at the old-folks home, to maybe, like, a totally groovy chick or just an old puppy even. Woody Guthrie? Simian and Garfunkel? I'm taking some of these as givens; Beatles or James Taylor kind of things, but what have you heard on acoustic that stood out, or what would you like to hear? I'd also be interested in atypical suggestions such as art songs, Rennaisance works, etc. I mean, Joey Joe Jones would. Many thanks in advance, plese tip your servers, and here's a little number I wrote myself entitled "You can't chew heartbreak biscuits if your teeth are sad too"