September 04, 2006

Chengdu. I stumbled on this when searching for pandas, and found it to be a bleak, intimate look at scenes in the remote Sichuan province of south central China, adjacent to Tibet and away from the booming eastern districts that manufacture everything in your house. Yes, I found the pandas, but the other stuff was more compelling.
  • Lovely post, Roly. Teh pandas are teh squeeeeeeee! And the other photos are very interesting and give a great feel for the country. Amazing how beautiful the scenery is and yet how ugly the human enviornment. His comment: "China can indeed be really nice or really grey, dirty and industrial" The hostel is nice, and the roof decorations are fantastic.
  • Some amazing photos there. Interesting post, thanks rolypolyman.
  • I saw a panda in Guangzhou zoo. It was a zoo pretty much like those of us with big stupid eyes like cows had about 40 years ago. Bonus -- also included drugged animals so you could pat them!