August 20, 2006
August 19, 2006
Mmmm... Chocolate
What would you like to be stuck waist-deep in?
I want one of these so bad it hurts.
If you really loved me you would buy me a personal submarine.
August 18, 2006
Screw the homophobes.
By getting them to send you free stuff. Keep it, sell it, use it as a gag gift. Just take money out of thier hateful hands.
Also, if you don't know The Stranger, I recommend you check out Savage Love while you're there. SFW.
Ronald McHummer sign-o-matic!
Slow Friday afternoon? C'mon monkeys, show me your love!
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Eat my dust Lance and Floyd
On April 22, 1884, Thomas Stevens set out from San Francisco on a penny farthing. Arriving in Boston on August 4, 1884, he was off again the following April en route through Europe, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, India, and China. He returned to San Francisco in December 1886. With minimal supplies, no support team, few roads, and despite hostile natives, he managed to travel around the world.
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Some Friday Flash Fun for you all. If you enjoyed Samarost and its sequel (mentioned here before) you might get lost in this game. Enjoy!
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Taking your service monkey to the airport.
The TSA screeners are trained professionals. They know how to handle your monkey. Stand by for the diaper inspection.
Sarcasm Defined
Ryan Air is just a little perturbed about the new screening features.
The Tesla Engine Builders Association
"was formed in April of 1993 to provide accurate information and assistance to those interested in building reproductions of Tesla’s engine that would perform properly."
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The True Christian Church of Christ,
like other Xian domatists, takes care in quoting the scripture . Less than serious is the treatment. Is this site an attempt at humor against the hatred of fundamentalism only or does it seem to implicate all Xians? References to Reginald Finley and Matthew Shepard (don't forget the shadow of Fred Phelps). Of course, Creationism gets a treatment.
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August 17, 2006
Sept. Toronto Meetup?
Any interest in a Toronto meetup Sept 8 or 9 (Fri or Sat)?
Curious George: Is Mark Lanegan A Horrible Performer Live
I say yes. He has been singing with the Twilight Singers. TS is playing E Street band tight. Lanegan mumbles and doesn't move through Live With Me, Where Did You Sleep Last Night, and (his own song) Sideways In Reverse.
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Read faces, spot the terrist.
According to this article, Airport Security in the U.S. searches people's facial expressions. Profiling by different means. [NYT, reg. req'd.]
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Curious George. I need a website(s) that lists jobs in Germany for English speakers.
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The Forger Who Fooled the World
During the exhibition, van Meegeren would loudly proclaim the painting a forgery, a crude pastiche, and listen as the finest minds of his generation persuaded him that his painting was a genuine Vermeer. His triumph was now complete. He had only to do what he had promised himself: to stand up and claim the work for himself, thereby making fools of his critics. Instead, within a month, he was working on a new forgery.
Greed, sex, money, art, - the story that has it all. A great tale of what happens when talents are used for good, then evil, then . . well, that's about it really.
via Arts and Letters Daily
Mental Floss Magazine's Top 25 Questions.
A fun little fluff piece about those little things we just sat around and wondered about in the days before the Internets. Kind of an electronic Cliff Clavin.
There's a link inside to the AOL "You've Got Mail" voiceover guy's website, where you can order custom messages.