August 17, 2006
Scientific method for 5th graders
Is microwaved water bad for plants ?
Compare and contrast:
. here: 2 plants (1 experiment, 1 control)
. here: 48 plants (24 experiments, 24 controls) and double-blind.
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Penis Plants
to problems solved by Macgyver, Lists of unusual deaths and films including a gory death scene, as well as strange units of measure and sexually active popes, it seems Wikipedia has an article for just about everything. And not to be outdone, a list of unusual Wikipedia articles.
August 16, 2006
The Origin of the Ridiculous
Whales are ridiculous thanks to their history.They evolved from mammals on land. Their swimming, reproduction, breathing, and other adaptations to life in water are all the result of tinkering with a terrestrial animal's body. Fossil discoveries have documented how coyote-like mammals moved into the water about 45 million years ago and became more and more adapted to the marine life.
Coyote howl = Whale song, anyone?
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Corn, Jim, but not as we know it.
A corn maze near York, England pays tribute to Star Trek's 40th anniversary. If you've ever wanted to get lost inside Spock's head and go "Jim!! His brain's gone" you can now. Some other striking corn mazes. If you want to grow a maze of your own, contact these folks.
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Mercury Venus Earth Mars Ceres Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Charon 2003UB313
(or perhaps Xena). We're going to have to find some bigger mnemonics
Hutong photography
Scenes from Beijing's fast disappearing traditional lanes and alleys.
What If 9/11 Never Happened?
(via) An indepth review of what life might have been like had the attacks not occured. It's a long read but well worth the effort IMO.
Captain Copyright.
The defining Super Hero of our age
August 15, 2006
Curious George: Build a Synth
It's my understanding that I can take an old PII computer running Windows 98, hook up a cheap MIDI keyboard to it and presto change-o have a grand piano or Hammond B-3 keyboard. Is that the case, if so what's the best way to do it (what software?), what else is there to do, or else what do I have wrong?
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Cricket Ninjas! Insects are being exploited in shocking cock-fighting experiments all over the world in order to provide insights into the behavior of a supposedly "superior" species: Homo sapiens.
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Sketch Swap
Draw whatever you want and then click to swap yours with someone else's.
Walk into the sea.
A trip to an abandoned pleasure pier
Classic Comic Ads
- not to be confused with this CLASSIC PSOTS from the Monkeyfilter archives.
And if you don't like that, here is a picture of me as a kid. [more inside] [more inside]
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Curious George: Staying in Chicago
Curious George: Where should I stay in Chicago in April, 2007?
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August 14, 2006
Make Your Own Incense
See also Herbalism and Incense or perhaps your own divination things, witchy things, japanese incense, and stay away from all but a very little saltpeter.
Or just see it done.
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