October 03, 2006

Curious George: Doggie Dilemma I live in a neighborhood of townhouses. There are no fences, and no one really has a yard, but there's a lot of common open space with walking trails going between and behind the buildings. I have several neighbors with dogs. Most of them are responsible dog owners, but one couple insists on letting their two large mutts run wild right beside my house. After what I thought was a reasonable request to keep their dogs on leashes, I continue to see the dogs run loose, and now I get piles of dog shit left on my lawn most mornings. more inside
5,000 years of Middle East history in 90 seconds a flash-based movie showing who's occupied the Middle East lands over time. G'wan, learn something today. via the MetaFian Empire
"The main purpose of our talk was to be humorous." The press is buzzing about a problem in FiFox's JavaScript which "could lead to remote control of any affected computer, including Windows, Apple, and Linux systems." But -- as hard as it may be to believe -- journalists may be sensationalizing the issue.
"I was bitten by a radioactive reindeer the other day..." Apparently, Mark Foley's IM exchange with an underage page was taken the wrong way, and he was only conversing with a guy who wants to be a hand model but is mutating into a reindeer. Here's an excerpt. more inside

October 02, 2006

Jasper Wong Psychadelic Mr T art. And some other stuff. (Flash, some content may be NSFW.)
Can't Touch This. Ladies and gentlemen I present...Little Superstar more inside
There Is No God - A case for atheism by Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller. more inside
Truth in Advertising - the full 12-minute short film. I realize that portions of this have been around for a while, but this is the whole thing (featuring Colin Mochrie of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"). Funny stuff.
"Daddy I want to be a politician, or a religious leader." more inside
Patent medicine cards. Some of UCLA's collection of patent medicine trade cards have now been digitised - only a sample yet, and searching seems to be the only way of getting at the images, but still worth a go. via
What the first man on the moon really said. Just a small word like "a" makes all the difference in the world.

October 01, 2006

Com-Mix (cartoon strip creator) more inside
Froomkin on Woodward on Bush. I have been tempted to share Dan Froomkin's White House Briefing column as an FPP for a long while, but let it go, as I figured, well, what the hey, the Monkeys probably read him anyway. more inside

September 30, 2006

Hello, Cleveland Investigitave Journalism at its finest- Cleveland's WKYC Investigitave Reporter, Carl Monday, goes after a teenage boy he finds looking at porn and wanking in a public library, in a six-part, 22-minute series, where he badgers the kid and the kid's parents, in some sort of attempt to seem superior, while wearing a clichéd trench coat. So, The Daily Show (YT video) takes the piss out of Carl in kind. via. Meanwhile, Osama is still at large.
A new episode of "the Burg" has finally been posted, making fun of hipsters in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Funny stuff.
Memories of the Battle of Cable Street, seventy years on.
On The Subject of BOOKS J.D.Salinger is on this list, as are John Steinbeck and Mark Twain. Somewhat astounding, to say the least.
Taking a the piss? Veselin Topalov is threatening to quit after accusing his opponent at the World Chess Championship, Vladimir Kramnik, of taking an excessive number of toilet breaks (more than fifty a game, apparently). more inside
Youtube in MeWorld I have noticed a lot of links and varied reactions to utube. more inside

September 29, 2006

A post I saw on that other [meta]filter about Waterboarding Unfortunately informative. Makes me squirm, especially as an american...
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