October 02, 2006

What the first man on the moon really said. Just a small word like "a" makes all the difference in the world.
  • Really though it would have been cooler to have said something like "Whoah that first step sure is a doozie!"
  • They're still not getting the quote right. Here's a version of the story in which it's more accurately reported. Uh, not to spoil the gag, but probably NSFW for cuss words in boldface type...
  • What he said was stuffy and pompous, with or without the a. Would have been better to have quoted a poem aloud - or even sung a song -- if he or NASA were so worried about the first words on the moon. Thought at the time it was too staged.
  • Crrckck... "Check, check. "When telling a man from Wapakoneta he'd walk on the moon, he said 'I'd nevah! The world won't believe I stepped in that cheese, So ask someone else, you'd bettah!'" "Copy that, Houston?"
  • I'd like to think I would have said something like, "Holy &#%#$*ing %#&@!! I'm on the MOON! Suck on THAT, you Earthbound %^#$&%#ers!"
  • finding that Mr Armstrong spoke it at a rate of 35 milliseconds — ten times too fast for it to be audible VERY wishful thinking on someone's part. Maybe he should try playing backwards so he can hear the Satanic message Armstrong was really delivering: "Live, from New York, it's The Surface of The Moon!"
  • finding that Mr Armstrong spoke it at a rate of 35 milliseconds — ten times too fast for it to be audible So Armstrong speaks dolphin. You can't tell me you're surprised...
  • Whale, whale. The truth will spout.
  • I woulda said, "Dammit! I'll never find those car keys!"
  • "OHMYGOD! WHAT IS THAT THING! it's coming towards me! HELLLPPPP" (30 second pause) "only kidding folks. small step, big leap, y'know. here we are now."
  • "Guess where I'm calling you from!" "You'll never guess!" "What? You mean right now?" *waves to camera* "You could have mentioned it. I'd have shaved. Now I look like some goddamn hillbilly on national tv." "The WORLD then. Even worse." (pause) "Hank can take care of that for you." "He's the tall one with the red hair. One of the people NASA sent over to help you out when I'm gone." "He's perfectly capable of going to the fucking store and getting your fucking eggs. You know perfectly fucking well I won't be back until next week anyway." (pause) "No, I'm not getting pissy. I just have a lot to deal with right now, if you haven't noticed." *sigh* "Put the kids on." "Hey kids! Guess where I'm calling you from!" "No, I can't see our house." "No, there's nothing blocking it, it's just too small." "Put your mother back on." (pause) "I'm not angry. It's just that some stuff is easier for Hank to deal with than me right now." "Yes, I'll cut the grass when I get back." "THURSDAY." "Jesus Fucking Christ, woman, I'm not pissy! But this phone call and having to shit in my pants all the livelong day is sure making me that way!" "We'll talk about this when I get home." "Yeah, yeah, I love you too."
  • You owe me a new keyboard, a fresh cup of coffee, and a roll of paper towels, Cap'n.
  • Wow... all those guys on Apollo 11 were only 38. Growing up and hearing about the moon landing through all these years I had some concept in my mind that they were in their mid or late 40s.
  • *hands trophy to Louis* Good show old boy!
  • "It's all sticky!"
  • "It's covered in jam!"
  • After reading the good captain's remark above, it's possible getting him hooked up with a girl may be more difficult than we'd initially supposed.
  • Geeze Louise, Bees! DAH THINK!!! Actually, I have it on good authority that the sentence was One small step for a man, one giant step...oh YUCK! The nation doesn't know the REAL reason we haven't been back.
  • Ye mean the moon's really a catbox?
  • "Wensleydale!"
  • I always heard it that way. Odd.