February 07, 2006
Al-Gonzo Reveals BushCo "Accidentally" Spied on Your Email.
Yes, Al-Gonzo ("the Torture Guy") testified under oath spun yarns to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. You may have heard that you may have been spied on without a warrant, and that they intend to keep doing it.
If you're worried that maybe the POTUS has gone to far, you may not want to read the article on Halliburton's Detention Centers for Homeland Security (NYT, reg. req.), which after all, are for "Immigrants". Not You.
*wink* *wink*
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Canadian Coffee Quaffin' Monkeys Unite!
A useful tool for finding your nearest non-corporate coffee places. If your haunt isn't on there, feel free to add it, and curse yourself later for making it popular.
Portect and Survive -
This booklet tells you how to make your home and family as safe as possible under nuclear attack
Curious George: Top Secret!
Of course there is...
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Curious George: My Cat Keeps Puking
One of my cats is pukey...
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Dr. McNinja
- yes I know what you're thinking, another web comic. But you'll like this one. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
February 06, 2006
Portland Meetup!
The Portland MeFi and MeCha crew are getting together on the 18th. Calling all monkeys!
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Canadian Politics: You win an election.
Your Liberal party gets 40% of the vote in your riding. Your closest opponent running for the NDP gets 37% of the vote. The third candidate running for the Conservatives gets 16.5%. But the Conservatives win power in the country. What do you do? You switch sides to the Conservative party because you are David Emerson, the new Minister of International Trade.
Me like Plantains! You like plantains?! Here a thread be to plantains!
Rockers Die Young.
Fundies Gloat.
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"Someone is shooting at us, we must go..."
The film director Walter Herzog was shot whilst being interviewed by the BBC, giving rise to perhaps the manliest line ever uttered aloud. Read the article, get to the last line, and then join me in a chestbeating chorus, my noble monkey brethren.
February 05, 2006
Confessions of a Car Salesman
Wherein your worst assumptions are confirmed.
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World Peace! Unitarian Jihad - Gift of Song Practice Video
1) Click on the picture
2) Click on "collaboration"
3) Click uj_world_peace.mov
You need quicktime.
WARNING! EXTREME NUDITY! (it's not what you think...maybe it is...)
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It was bound to happen
Speaking coherently and politely, Wycoff said Friday that he was upset with the "liberal" political views of his sister and her husband[...] "I was just getting fed up with the life she was leading," he said. "I was appalled with what my sister and brother-in-law did." [via Creek Running North]
February 04, 2006
Things I Learn From My Patients
Fresh faced student doctors compare life lessons their more experienced patients have taught them. Remember, Don't road surf on the top of a moving stickshift car driven by your younger sibling with a learner's permit.
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Google spnaks BMW
- German BMW websites have been removed from the Google index. BMW.de at this time has a PageRank of 0. This is probably because BMW websites have been caught using doorway pages and now receive the Google Death Penalty. This is normally what happens to Pr0n sites, people.
Food at Google: Google's snack room
Who wouldn't want to work for Google when they feed you like this?
Remember Cthulhu?
Well, he's back! In lego form!
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