February 07, 2006

Portect and Survive - This booklet tells you how to make your home and family as safe as possible under nuclear attack
  • Just in case atom bombs fall (previously posted here, but the old link is dead now)
  • "If the country were ever faced with an immediate threat of nuclear war, a copy of this booklet would be distributed to every household as part of a public information campaign..." It's good to know that even if there had been an immediate threat, there would have been time to ship and distribute this book to every household so they could have a good read before the Big One.
  • Duck, and Cover! Anybody else watch The Atomic Cafe back in the day? It's funny, but I'm old enough to remember a time when most of my friends--bright, sensitive young people--honestly, LITERALLY believed that they would never live to adulthood--that sometime before we all graduated from High School, either the Russians or Reagan would finger the button and blow the whole world to hell. It was a real fear, not hyperbole at all. I know at least two people who dropped out of school b/c they figured "What's the point"? (I don't know if they went back later...they're probably living happily in hippie communes now, so good for them) Kids today don't see what the big deal is with stuff like The Day After and Alas, Babylon, but let me tell you, it was a very big deal. *farts dust*
  • Duck and Cover can be found at archive.org Another film: About Fallout
  • Actually, the Internet Archive site has loads and loads of old nuclear attack films
  • Man, I use to watch The Atomic Cafe" on cinemax all the time.
  • I rmember lining up in the school corridor and leaning face-first against the wall, with another line of kids leaning face-first against our backs. Somehow the whole exercise made me more uneasy that I would have been doing nothing. I guess knowing that your best defense is leaning against the wall makes you question your safety...
  • They used to have us line up face first against our metal lockers, which I always imagined would result in us all melting into the lockers of molten metal...particularly after seeing that nightmare-inspiring gem the Day After...
  • "If the country were ever faced with an immediate threat of nuclear war, a copy of this booklet would be distributed to every household as part of a public information campaign..." I feel so much safer knowing that I can get my own duct tape and plastic bags whenever I wish.
  • Is this not a tampon applicator? What use is that going to be? I suppose one wouldn't want to have to use an unladylike rag, even if it is the end of the world.
  • I suspect after the Rapture our periods will be a lot heavier.
  • Underpants, that's a tagline if I ever heard one.
  • Well, TP, do I have to do it ALL? MonkeyFilter: I suspect after the Rapture our periods will be a lot heavier. Duck and cover, my child, duck and cover.