February 06, 2006
Rockers Die Young.
Fundies Gloat.
Don't forget at the bottom of the page to choose death, and then reject Jesus to discover the true location of Hell. (Clue: It's where you think it is)
(Clue: It's where you think it is) Utah?
Leave it to the fundies to take a complex problem, and boil it down to a marginally related question in which the answer makes them look good. Because, who's going to choose death? ;)
Rockers better take out travel insurance is a more sensible angle.
I chose Richard Dawkins. Bad Internets! bad!
Ummm... most rockers haven't died. In 5 AD, Christians had the same average life span. You need to wait long enough for everyone involved to die of old age before you can figure out their average life span.
That should say: In 5 AD, Christians had the same average life span as rockers
The bible says hell is forever? Hell can't be forever, the Second Law of Thermodynamics rules that out. If the bible is wrong about that, what else is it wrong about? Sorry, I couldn't resist using the creationists favorite argument against themselves. heh.
Jesus, 35 (or 32, whatever), Crucifixion. Mm, still a relatively young man. What should we make of this!?
Chet Baker, Nat King Cole, and Woody Guthrie were rock stars. They are best remembered as the founders of the rock group The Electric Snails who had hits with their first album, "Psychedelic Snail Tracks", in 1967, and their concept album "Gazebo Flower Hyena Opera" in 1968. In-fighting and rampant drug abuse eventually forced the band apart but they did briefly put aside their differences to reunite for the Woodstock rock festival in 1969, where their electrified rendition of "Oh Canada" was considered a highlight of the event.
Jesus, 35 (or 32, whatever), Crucifixion Traditionally, 35 - midway through the course of our lives / he found himself nailed to pieces of dark wood / the right road lost. Some also claim that 35 was the age at which Adam was created whole.
I am 35 at this very moment! Coincidence! You decide...
let me just say this... "Mick Jagger" This web page has been around for a while (last update seems to be about 1998)... wonder if the webmaster died or something...?
The bible says hell is forever... Not sure about that, actually. According to Revelations (Chapter 20, v 14), Hell (and death) eventually get thrown into the lake of fire (Overkill? Jehovah?).
I used to be 35. I'm better than Jesus!
now of my three score years and ten, thirty five will not come again. so about the internets i will stroll, seeking sex, and drugs, and rock n roll.
OT but related: whosaliveandwhosdead.com I always go away feeling depressed, but I can't look away...
roryk: that was beautiful.
"The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. Proverbs 10:27" Those aborted fetuses must be some bad motherfuckers.
oh god why did i not make this connection before
According to Revelations Huh, which bible are you reading? Sorry, pet peeve.
Meh. For all these dead rock stars* who died young, there's Iggy. And to a lesser degree, your Keiths. But really, just Iggy. (*'rock stars' shouldn't include session musicians, unless they're Johnny Marr.)
Alright, I admit it - I didn't get that from the Bible - I got it from a game of Trivial Pursuits.
I really don't think we need to worry about Hell and the fires of damnation anymore. I was there just yesterday....seems to have cooled off...
Hell has frozen over!!!
))) to ye, roryk!!!
Also OT but related: the Greil Marcus Rock Death calculation method (from an essay originally collected in this book.
Notable omissions: John "Stumpy" Pepys, Drummer -- died in 1969 in a bizarre gardening accident. Eric Childs, Drummer -- died 1974, choking to death on someone else's vomit. Peter "James" Bond, Drummer -- spontaneously combusted on stage in 1977.
Welcome to Church of England, cake or death? HuronBob - I was there in October. The quesadillas were excellent.
Did anybody else check one of the boxes at the bottom and continue? Too funny!
"The following article appeared in the well respected Finland newspaper, Ammenusastia"
Oh yeah? Then why is the headline IN ENGLISH? Morons! I mean, if you can't spot a Nat'l Enquirer joke on first sight... jeez.
Rockers better take out travel insurance is a more sensible angle. I'm in the wrong industry.
It's not in English. It's the Tardis translating it as you read it, silly!
Let's see: let's say the first big generation of rock stars was born in the forties, they'd be just in their mid-sixties now. By definition, any rocker who has died died young.
Wait a minute. What about what Billy Joel said?
Also, Jesus had a killer version of "Mannish Boy" - check the Internets for the live-at-red-rocks version where he solos for like 15 minutes. Way Cool.
The Fillmore concerts were better, IMO.
I always thought that hell was for children.
v_v My gramma died of "Misc. Medical"
armaghetto, someday we will find the cure for Misc. Medical. Don't give up the fight!
So if I reject Jesus online by clicking that link, am I actually doomed for all eternity? I mean, does God consider online hotlinks to be a legally binding contract?
MCT, word on the street is you . . ah . . needn't worry about such things. Here, I bought you a biggie soda - you might want the ice. ;)
mct: Don't worry. Convert to Catholicism on your deathbed, confess to your online transgressions, and you're home free!
Alright! I can outfox Jesus!
Don't worry. Convert to Catholicism on your deathbed, confess to your online transgressions, and you're home free! Or you could just delete your cookies. God'll never know where you've been, unless He checks His server logs, in which case you're screwed.
Dude, SoulWiper2006™ keeps all your embarrassing online habits safe from the eyes of prying deities.
I replaced my cookies with communion wafers.
mmmm, communion wafers
I tried SoulWiper2006™ but it requires a registration code. Anyone have a cracked copy? I mean, I wanna save my soul and all, but they charge like $25 for that shit.
According to the website, Hell is beneath the crust of the earth, so I really only will be there for maybe another, I'm guessing here, 20 billion years before the leftover heat of formation is radiated away, not quite all eternity. And it isn't even CLOSE to the 10,000 degrees Kelvin that Heaven has to be to account for it shining with the 'light of a thousand suns' or whatnot. Idiots.
Heh. Teh science wins...