March 03, 2006
McCartney visits ice floes. Unfortunately, not abandoned there.
By appearing on Larry King to defend the seal hunt, Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams a) gives Macca the attention he was after all along, and b) legitimizes a celebrity's opinion as having authority of any kind whatsoever simply by virtue of his fame. Way to go, Danny-boy.
European females
evolved blonde hair and blue eyes through fierce competition over the few males who survived mammoth hunting. Wouldn't polygamy have been easier?
This is catchy and weirdly inspirational.
With the emphasis on "weird." But I dig it!
And pinch your nipples!
But don't pinch others!
Now Gouge Out Your Eyes!
WARNING: Contains Hasselhoff
March 02, 2006
Fool Your Eyes
A collection of (mostly) interesting optical illusions.
Cue theremin!
Dear Kind Sir, I am writing to you from Nigeria
You know those emails asking for help to free millions of dollars that you avoid cuz yer smart? This guy wasn't.
Oh, and impeach Bush. The fucker.
Curious, George: Charity
So the wife and I are looking to choose a charity or charities to donate some dough, given our recent success, and I want your recommendations of worthy organizations. I have only a few constraints:
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Chocolate milk. The new sports drink.
I told ya!
Force Skeptics
- 'Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been bamboozled. The Force is a fiction that exists only in the minds of deluded Jedi practitioners. The so-called "Jedi Powers" are nothing more than cheap stage-magic tricks that anyone can learn and which violate no known laws of physics. The Masters of the Jedi Order are charlatans, preying upon your gullibility and demanding your blind respect in return.'
Seen @ Spiflicated Bivalves
"No One Anticipated the Breech of the Levees"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage.
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Ah-ooga, it's MoFiLA meetup?
Ooga_booga is coming to LA this weekend, and will be here Saturday and Sunday. Is anyone up for a Saturday evening dinner/drinky thing or a Sunday brunch?
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Today in Science History.
Short paragraphs (most with links) chronicling the day in science.
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March 01, 2006
Don't be a worry wart.
What could possibly go wrong?
The fall colours' chemistry.
It's autumn down under and this takes all the romance out of those pretty colours.
Where can you buy a watch
that doesn't appear to be able to tell the time, flashes random colors, and is called the Pimp Pleasure Seeker? Why, Japan, of course.
Curious 30-something George
How much of the 90s do you remember? And what does "The 90's" mean to you? I just noticed that 6 Degrees of Separation is at the top of my netflix queue. Somehow this movie epitomizes the 90's for me, so I thought what the hey, why not host a 90's themed party to watch it! How would you go about it?
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Curious Coldfusion George.
I need to make my database of PDF's available online.
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Who wants to be a Chinese Mucus Monitor?
The local government in Beijing says it's launching a campaign against the common habit of hocking up lurgies in public. According to the BBC. But in 2003 the Scottish Sunday Herald explained that fines were already being enforced due to the outbreak of SARS. And while many sites claim spitting is illegal, I pretty much spat the dummy just trying to find out what countries it actually was illegal to cough one up.
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