March 02, 2006

Ice Worms. 'Kind of hot right now.'
  • 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy.'
  • This is more than the earth's entire human population on just one glacier. The Conqueror Worm indeed!
  • The Ice Worm Cometh.
  • I love it. It seems that they do not know how the worms get from glacier to glacier.
  • They don't. They don't go from glacier to glacier! They are descended from Iceworm Prime!!! /spittle
  • Worms... Makin' worms; it's matin' time! Worms... Exchangin' sperm; hooked together with slime! (Actual song from educational video I once had to review. Had a killer bass line.)
  • You just dreamed that.
  • Thank you! I was quite proud of that bass line.
  • Sadly, worm pr0n is the lamest pr0n of all...
  • If humans can live in upstate NY, then I can see no reason why worms can't live in ice.
  • GAACK! *spews frosty-cold Artic drink all over keyboard*
  • Solifugus. I like that name. But it sounds to me more like sun-escaping.
  • Place I used to live had an annual winter festival called "The Ice Worm Squirm". Good times...
  • *imagines ice worms in ice-cold tequila shot*
  • That was really interesting. Thanks, Pleggers!
  • ice worm, tell us what will ye do once the glaciers are melted away from you?
  • "the snow-snake grinned in his fine cold sin, when the wizard blew his horn..." beeswacky - they will invade
  • Everyone knows that the ice worms function like electrical impulses in the "brain" of the glacier - taken together, the entire gestalt entity is actually one giant, slowly thinking organism. The worms' movements represent the path of thoughts that the system is having. What is the glacier thinking, you ask? Good question! For several hundred years now, it's been thinking the same, one thuoght: "PEOPLE ARE FUCKING RETARDS ... PEOPLE ARE FUCKING RETARDS ... PEOPLE ARE FUCKING RETARDS".
  • Ha! Well, we'll show 'em! Retard this you . . you part of the environment!