July 19, 2006

The Extreme Cellists are touring! Coming to a cathedral roof near you! In the same vein as Extreme Ironing, the Extreme Cellists pretty much do what you'd expect.
  • ooh - they are coming to Ely (10 min away on the train - really beautiful Cathedral, and nice little town. They have a Cromwell museum, and it's even better than the Cromwell museum in Huntingdon! Huntingdon has original portraits of all his family, but Ely has costumes. Highly recommended should you ever be visiting England.)
  • Due to Health and Safety regulations, or practical difficulties in accessing the roof, we will not be able to play on the roof at every Cathedral Come on now - is this extreme cellism or what? Huntingdon has got his hat. Unfortunately Huntingdon has been a bit ambivalent about Olly at times, which is why the statue Huntingdon commissioned actually stands in St Ives.
  • i feel violated.
  • Com on, Roryk. There's an unwritten rule -- the law of 5 posts -- that says puns can start no sooner than post number 6. So, cell out.
  • Well, we're all a little high-strung. Let's not go jumping off any bridges.
  • OK youz guyz, quit fiddling around. Somebody had to say it.
  • Derailing can happen for stradivarious reasons.
  • Take a bow, roryk.
  • "I'm up here on this scaffolding, because that's what this show is all about! Shock! Yeah!"
  • Pete can be such a plucky thing, sometimes.
  • Oi! What's vivaldi's puns?!
  • When it comes to wordplay, we like to play fast and luth,ier?
  • You cheerleaders need more Rah-Rah-Rah's in here.
  • Well, the topic appeals to our basser instincts.
  • Should we stay tuned for more?
  • There will be pun-ishment for this! You will all be strung up!
  • Could you please stop scratching that thing between your legs?
  • many of these posts resin-ate with me.
  • You nut.
  • why are you fretting?
  • You all should just legato.
  • Yeah, we're all just a bunch of pagan ninnies.
  • bout time someone pointed that out
  • You've conducted yourselves horribly. And I see we're out of time.
  • That's not how I have it pegged.
  • Oh, boy, the've broken out the tempo jokes. We're really in treble now. I'd better call the gamb-ulance.
  • What's wrong with tempo jokes? When the topic is right, every good boy does fine.
  • Why should we stave off the tempo jokes?
  • Here here, Capt.! Keep a staff upper lip.
  • Duly noted.
  • Now now, no need to get crotchetty. You'll have the poor Capt. quavering in his boots!
  • yeah, keep it to a minim-um
  • No worries, mothy -- it's nothing major.
  • I cantata stand it!
  • You could always go into Haydn.
  • Yo, yo -- ma man, pete! Chillax, brother!
  • After you swore you wouldn't do any harmony, Pete, you went and Baroque this thread! You may think it's a minor matter, but I can assure you it's notation. I think you're obbligto to refrain from doing this again. If not, I shall get out my staff and make you tremolo in fear!
  • So, should we not continuo?
  • I think you're all a bunch of f-holes.
  • I think you punny people are all Coda-pendent.
  • I need a drink. I'd better get in the bar line.
  • Very cued.
  • We could all go on a boat trip on the high C's!
  • I need a rest.
  • Cap'n if you could loan me a quarter, note that I'd pay you back.
  • Plegmund - apparently his family was pushed out of Huntingdon somewhat, and he ended up living in St Ives before he inherited the house in Ely. But Ely definitely has the cheesier museum (they have fibreglass puritans outside).
  • I don't know where it stems from, but it touches me down deep in my solfege. So Suzuki me.
  • Pete: There isn't adagio by that I don't think about the harmony you've caused. It's an absolute sinfonia. You're such a little sonata. You better straighten up, because it's zither my way, or the highway. Staccato that in your pipes and smoke it!
  • Just remember when you make our spaghetti dinner tonight that I like mine andante, GramMa.
  • Watch how you conduct yourself around GranMa, pete.
  • Whatsa fermata with puns? I paid an arm and allegro for my Grove's Dictionary, (it was Solti me by an expert salesman in Shreveportamento) and I place a lot of stac-cato in its merit! Sure, some of the jokes seem like a slur, or so old they came over on the dall'Arco, and some of them are really the pits-cato. But they're not really a sign of de-cadence. *Commits seppuku with oboe reed)
  • *taps bow on music stand* Bravo!