March 26, 2004

Holy <$HolyItemDescription$>, Batman! A compilation of every "Holy x, Batman!" phrase ever uttered by Robin. Thank God. (via qwghlm)
Ronald McDonald The real one. He's married, has four children and six grandchildren and he lives in Scotland. He's written a protest poem. RealAudio required to hear him recite it.
Saddam's a Big Boi? Friday Flash Fun ...
"I'm obese, and I have difficulty finding sexual partners. This was a great substitute."
The Virtual Sex Machine. The terrorists have already won. Initial link is SFW, but click around at your own peril.
Taking Heroin Out Of The Head
Virtual Show and Tell Remember "Show and Tell" in elementary school? Well it's kind of like that, but Virtual! Everyone has something they made that they want to share, so now's your chance to self link. [More Inside]
Curious George: anyone here a geocaching enthusiast? If so got any good stories?
Al Franken and Others starting "Progressive Radio Station" Bored with talk-radio being dominated by Conservatives, and perhaps seeking some profit along the way, Air America Radio is launching a new network at the end of the month in New York, Illinois, and California. There will also be simultaneous broadcasting over the internet, for the rest of the interested population. more inside
Falsetto mania. The Darkness does Radiohead's Street Spirit (4.3 MB Mp3). From the mp3 archive The Darklings, via TTIKTDA.
Fetus Protection Bill Alright monkeys. What do you think about this? This brings up issues we discussed in this thread. I'm interested in what Musingmelpomene thinks. This is her beat.
Dream Yoga. Because the monkey mind never sleeps.
Wooden mirrors to go in my home made of translucent concrete
My old woodshop teacher Mr. Bogotaj would have been much more relaxed if we had one of these at school. "The SawStop system works by recognizing the difference in the electrical properties of wood and a user." Be sure to check out the amazing videos. Video found at Fazed
The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London, the largest Hindu temple outside India. more inside

March 25, 2004

BBC reports on McDonalds brand kids clothes. Which really isn't that noteworthy, the accompanying picture is something that could use some discussion. First, is this the most sensationalistic photo ever? And second, assuming the kid doesn't have a condition of some sort, what should be done to or about the lack of parenting.
Bananas (yahoo) are getting a mixed response from critics.
Brood X is coming Having lain dormant in the soil since 1987, these critters are set to swarm. And they aren't the annual cicadas you hear making a racket every summer. These puppies like company. Companies are already selling ways to protect from the damage they can cause. If you don't count the folks who think they're a tasty treat, they have but one natural enemy: the cicada killer.
The Photography of Walker Evans. Blunt portraits of life in the Depression and some other stuff thrown in for good measure. more inside
Another small victory in the fat war Soft drink sales in schools face increasing criticism; availability of snack foods, soft drinks cited in rising rates of childhood obesity. More and more school districts are scrapping their corporate sponsorship deals. Let's send them all the bananas we can gather in our hairy little arms.
Looking for a picture of whatever? Too bad it's not free
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