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January 01, 2004

Help yourself.
The Incredibly Strange World of... of, er Incredibly Strange Wrestling. Thrill to suck stellar matches as The Poontangler versus El Homo Loco!
Just In Time For The New Year! An oldie but goodie...
Criminal prosecutions of doctors who use powerful painkillers to treat patients in chronic pain have been increasing in the US lately, even before the Limbaugh case became public. According to the Pain Relief Network, there has been an 800% increase in physician prosecutions over the last three years. more inside

December 31, 2003

Is Glenn Reynolds A Bigot? I certainly know that for a law professor Glenn Reynolds declared the Valerie Plame leak "bogus" because Plame had her picture taken in Vanity Fair. Maybe that's why John Ashcroft took himself off the investigation and appointed an independant prosecutor. more inside
Bored? Here, for your amusement, is a very strange (and fairly long) bulletin board exchange pondering the legality/morality of incest and/or cheddar burgers in Brazil.
The Indiatimes reports on the reverse brain drain between the US and India A reverse brain drain?. Indeed, the India Times chronicles those in the U.S. attending Job Fairs for work in India. Also discussed are the two prior waves of Indian Americans moving back to India.
Primate Programming Inc. An unsubtle satire of IT outsourcing, or taking the MonkeyFilter to its obvious extreme? You be the judge. Oooh oooh. Ahhh ahhh. Dot Net...
Perhaps, the silliest conspirancy theory I have seen, Chemtrails continue to be as popular as ever. The google search brings many gems like this one, or this one. But this is the creme of the crop. Those guys probably went to the same web design school where the Time Cube guy learned his html skills. But hey, maybe contrails are really affecting our environment after all.
Movie endings for those of you who don't want to pay $10 just to see the ending of Planet of the Apes. Courtesy AskMe.
Putting the Sweat Back Into Sweaters.

December 30, 2003

Segway Your Way Why buy a Segway when you can build one yourself? Well, anyway, that's what this guy thinks.
Not yet a woman, almost a man. Asymetry allows Britney to continue evoking this fantasy, even as she claims she's not a virgin, just a whore.
The greater spotted hoop snake So this image, it rotates?
Trashy, Stupid, Delicious Gossip. (Good clean fun and 100% Bush-free!)
President Bush signs massive PATRIOT expansion into law ... on the same day as Saddam's capture, which is why you didn't hear anything about it.
Bush's faith-based social initiatives not as good as they look on paper. We discovered recently that Bush's prison counselling program, InnerChange, is less successful than he claims due to some careful statistical fudging. In 2001, Bush signed an executive order for federal funding of faith-based social programs. What benefits can we take from a privatised, non-secular social welfare program? Is it true that his programs encourage discrimination?
FBI urges police to watch for people carrying almanacs.
Confused? Worried? Why? Ask an Imam, your online fatwa resource!
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