December 31, 2003
Here, for your amusement, is a very strange (and fairly long) bulletin board exchange pondering the legality/morality of incest and/or cheddar burgers in Brazil.
I don't even want to know how you found this...
Wow! very informative. Especially the last part about the promiscuous tribes of the Amazon. I did watch a spanish documentary done about one of those tribes. The youngs, upon reaching maturity had to marry older people in order to gain experience. Then, latter, they would marry someone younger to teach them. Marriages didn't last normally more than 3 years if I recall correctly. They also got more weirder customs. Like a festivity were all, both men a women, dessed in costumary female attires (which was only a headdress since they are naked all the time) and lived as such for one day. The mothers also cared for childrens and little pet monkeys equally. They leashed them from one foot to a pole all day and let them be. Sic. I which I could remember at least the name of the tribe but that was about 3 months ago and I didn't did further research.
Well, at least I will link this.
They also got more weirder customs. Like a festivity were all, both men a women, dessed in costumary female attires (sic) (Joking, joking.)
I think McCheddars should be banned, or at least the name should be. Incest sounds fine by comparison. (Also, the only place where incest isn't frowned upon is the royal families of Europe, seemingly)
I think we're all missing the big question here: What the hell is a McChedder and why is it so great?
We should organize a monkey metting in Brazil and find out by ourselves.
I wonder if they have McFeijoada in Brazil...
I have never understood why incest between consenting adults is against the law. I have a first cousion who is a gorgeous blond that I have had a lifelong crush on. Unfortunately she, like most women, has way too much taste to be involved with me.