August 04, 2005
Alas, we hardly knew ye
This list of seven companies that should have made it in the Internet economy seems a bit lacking to me. What 'net company/service do you miss the most or feel didn't live up to your expectations? For me, it's Kozmo, despite their idiotic business plan and ludicrous expansion attempts. They were the ultimate in (near-) instant gratification. via.
A Book of Scoundrels.
Discovered while researching Deacon Brodie, the gentleman thief whose double life inspired R.L. Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The Zen of being Simpson
Interesting take on a celebrity who's never seemed more than background noise.
Philosophy made easy
The books which defined the way The West thinks now. In their own words, condensed and abridged to keep the substance, the style and the quotes, but ditching all that irritating verbiage.
You there! Get you some philosphizin! These talking heads actually have things to say! And in these handy abridged formats, you cant afford not to question the nature of knowing and being! Come on down and test drive some today!
Live, streaming, Real Player video-type stuff of a panda and her new born cub. She's asleep at the moment. Ah.
Curious George: Ah, evening(s) in Toronto.
Would anyone be able to give a list of great dining spots for Toronto? I'm heading there in the fall, and a good friend is moving there in a month. We'd like to avoid the chains and find the unique or outstanding meals. Price no issue.
Curious George: Internet Connect is driving me batty
I just got my first mac a few weeks ago, and just recently it's started acting up. Every hour or so Internet Connect pops a little window...
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I made pizza for Kim Jong-il
/ Part 2 / Part 3
A curious tale by Ermanno Furlanis about how he was invited to North Korea to teach them how to make authentic Italian pizza for Dear Leader.
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Curious. George tabbed browsing.
Many of you are reallly stoked that tabbed browsing is available in FireFox. I don't understand why it's preferable to opening new windows. In fact, when I open new tabs and try to close one of them, they all close, and I lose cookies, while with windows, I just get back to what I wanted to see.
Ready to be educated/
will make a man out of you. (video/quicktime)
Simply Fired
is fronted by Mark Jen. It looks to me like it's been highly crafted.
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'Vintage' Mechanical Art
- I so wish the pictures were a bit bigger but nonetheless there are some very fine and twisted manifestations of a singular mind here.
August 03, 2005
Mixed Messages
This article on about Rafael Palmiero's suspension from baseball for using steroids includes prominent text ads to buy Stanozolol. Nice editorial integrity, huh?
I have officially lost faith in the entire USA.
Kids are harassing an 11 year-old girl playing with her 6 year-old brother, throwing water balloons at her. She retaliates by throwing a rock at one of the boys. She is subsequently charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Way to go, guys.
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Metahistory Quest
Closely aligned with deep ecology, and going deeper, our Quest explores the power of human potential to shape society, serve the earth, and co-evolve with the non-human world. What you get when you give some baby boomers enough crystals and enough cash.
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Who Killed Rock Radio?
Fred Durst, obviously. While some make the point that everything's just fine, I personally haven't listend to rock radio in a long time. You?
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from the WWF, allows you to find maps, pictures, and other info on any one of 30,000 species (the Takin, say), or lists of species within a selected ecoregion (say, South East Tibet Shrub and Meadows.)
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Can the Cavendish be saved?
[possibly disturbing picture of a banana being operated on].
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Curious George: Salary Slavery?
For the first time, I find myself working a job with a salary, not an hourly wage. They're making me put in well over 8 hours a day; am I screwed, or what?
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Virtual Street Reality
by Jeff Rense. When viewed from the proper angle, the street paintings look 3D. His UFO stuff is pretty cool, and he seems to have his own Radio show. Or station. Or something.