August 04, 2005

The Zen of being Simpson Interesting take on a celebrity who's never seemed more than background noise.
  • I honestly thought this article was going to be about OJ. That makes me kinda happy.
  • The pre-National Post Globe never would have mentioned Ms. Simpson, unless it was to sarcastically refer to the way the Star and Sun fawned over her. I miss those days.
  • I got to "Think of her as the female George W. Bush", barfed up my lunch and began to hurt myself. Whatever that article is, it can't be good.
  • [A]t 13 she was banned from performing solos because, she remembers, "my boobs were too big and they said it would make men lust." An In Touch readers poll anointed her the celebrity with the "best boobs." What a nice turn of events! ...but what kind of skeezy men went to her church?
  • And I thought it was going to be about the cartoon
  • "Think of her as the female George W. Bush", yeah i puked in my mouth a bit from that as well. is that an insult to her or w.??
  • It makes for a nice soundbite, but I thought church choirs dressed in loose, flowing robes.