August 03, 2005

Mixed Messages This article on about Rafael Palmiero's suspension from baseball for using steroids includes prominent text ads to buy Stanozolol. Nice editorial integrity, huh?
  • Awesome. Googlenicity. Was he using when he testified before Congress? Could be. Maybe that's the reason he was so emphatic. Period.
  • First time I clicked it, the ads weren't for stanozolol. Second time, yeah. Better get a screenshot. ;)
  • Nice find, es el Queso. There's an interesting piece on this at Yard Work right now.
  • thanks for the link to yard-work, patita! i am a big baseball nut and never knew it existed--- nice roster of writers they have.
  • The words "editorial integrity" dont really apply to Sports Illustrated anyway. Neither do the words "journalism," "writing," or "magazine."
  • As a heads up to anyone looking at Yard Work: it is satire/spoof (so the writers listed don't reflect true authors in all cases). That said, it's a great look at the game. High quality stuff.
  • Palmiero lied to Congress. Last time I checked, that was a felony.
  • ah, but the test was conducted after his testimony to Congress.
  • Some have suggested that the slugger (and other ballplayers) needed to use Viagra because of their rampant abuse of performance enhanching substances. paging irony . . .
  • Idiots. Overpaid. Idiots.
  • Yeah, this makes me angry. I was a huge fan of Palmiero until this.