August 17, 2005

Olympic Lobbying If a proposed bill goes through, it 'will make it illegal to combine words like "games", "medals", "gold", "2012", "sponsor" or "summer" in any form of advertising.' No more "Summer Hits". No more "Gold Cards". No more bongs for heroic deeds. And the calendar will jump a year. More proof that the (say it with me) OLYMPICS has nothing to do with sport.
Jean Charles de Menezes was shot down in cold blood. The man shot dead by police shortly after the July 21 bombing attempts didn't run away, he didn't leap the ticket barrier, and he wasn't wearing a padded coat. more inside
Electric Stuff, antique glass thingies, vunderbar old ads for electronic bits, Nixie tubes, dekatrons, counting tubes and dangerous home-brew high-voltage devices.
"Stay hopeful that the crystalline amoeba poops your car out soon."
The Sarcastic Sex Toys blog (NSFW) features reviews of interesting and poorly-named devices such as the "Fist of Adonis" and "Sure Grip Tighten-Her Cream." [via the similarly NSFW Fleshbot]

August 16, 2005

Burlesque and Side Degree Specialties, Paraphernalia and Costumes. The 1930 DeMoulin Bros. & Co. Catalog of Fraternal Supplies. more inside
Hard-Core Stalinist propaganda, Juche style. A searchable database of a decade's worth of KCNA articles, with added insult generator and a handy Juche Era conversion tool.
Leonard Cohen is broke. Please help. Only YOU can help Leonard Cohen. (Sorry for posting twice in one day, but this is Earth-shattering stuff for me...) more inside
Curious George: Ejectable Cabin I was just reading about the 2nd plane crash in as many days on the Blue. I don't fly, haven't for several years after a bout with bad turbulence. But I've often wondered why they don't make a plane (and charge more, of course) that will eject its passengers in case something goes wrong... Am I missing something? more inside
Curious George: Why do generic Cheerios taste so bad? I mean, we can send a man to the moon, but we can't replicate the Cheerio? What's up with that? more inside
ROAR! If this article is true (and the Beeb never lies), I won't be driving my MINI through any safari/game preserves any time soon. If you, too, have a MINI or a smart, you might want to avoid going on safari too...
And the reviews are in... Karla, the infamous movie about the Bernardo-Homolka killings, is about to come out. Seeing as how its release here in Canada will likely be somewhat limited, particularly in my hometown of St. Catharines, this review is as close as some of us are likely to get. Or are willing to get. more inside
A Keyboard with every key being a stand-alone display A russian company designed a keyboard which keys can display basically anything: from different alphabets to a specialized set of keys for applications or games.
A disaster , similar to the one in Niger, appears to be threatening the region of Timbuktu, the legendary city whose name is a byword for remoteness. more inside
Meet the P38. No, silly, not that one. Or that one. But the dinky little gizmo with exactly 39 uses.
Having a bad day? In The Rough [.mov] Big. Small. From Blur Studios.

August 15, 2005

ROBOKITTY! (warning, QuickTime required.) via.
I, for one, welcome our cosmic bullet overlords Had this article on my computer for quite some time, just rediscovered it after clearing out some files. I apologize if it's been posted here before. Freaky stuff though...
Curious George: Yahoo beheads spokesmodel. Why? I remember enough from business school to believe that Yahoo chose and placed the photo on its mail welcome screen with tremendous care. The pretty--possibly non-existent--woman of no particular ethnicity has been there for a couple of years. more inside
Curious George: HTML coding. I'm hand-editing an HTML document and it's corrupt because one of the tables is not closed off properly. Is there a utility that can help find the mistake, perhaps by indenting all the code? I find that the online validators aren't very helpful for this.
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