August 16, 2005

ROAR! If this article is true (and the Beeb never lies), I won't be driving my MINI through any safari/game preserves any time soon. If you, too, have a MINI or a smart, you might want to avoid going on safari too...
  • ok, I feel set up, I was expecting an article detailing the gruesome eviseration of the mini cooper followed by leonine feeding frenzy on its touristical innards!! I am disappointed....
  • Probably not a good idea to drive your Impala through there either.
  • That sounds fuckin excellent, get me a small car and point me at the safari camp, stat.
  • And what the heck is a "saloon car"?
  • A saloon car is any vehicle big enough to have a full bar in the back seat. Yum, crunchy outsides, gooey tourist insides! Koko, ya think a Mustang could out-run 'em?
  • I would guess that by 'Mini' they mean one of these rather than the fat arsed BMW version which is no smaller than any other small hatchback.
  • That's not far from where I live. A local joke goes that once the lions escaped, but after looking round Knowsley for a bit, they all begged to be let back in. Hey, I never said it was a funny joke.
  • Other car models to avoid driving in safari: Honda Raw Steak Ford Wounded Zebra VW Wildebeest Acura Giant Ball of Yarn etc.
  • Honda Haddock
  • Smart car tipping. Fun.
  • Go in a fire truck. According to that National Geographic special I saw last night, fire trucks can consume eight times their body weight.
  • than the fat arsed BMW version which is no smaller than any other small hatchback I was just thinking that those must be some ambitious lions going after a modern 'mini' Cooper. Not exactly a small car.
  • True story: Back in the 70s, my family had a 1968 Austin 1800, this colour. We drove it through the elephant enclosure at Windsor Safari Park (now Legoland), and were charged by a bull elephant - ears forward, trunk and head lifted high. The only one to panic was my father, the driver. The rest of us thought it hilarious, which was most probably most naive of us.
  • What happens if you're on a Segway? (I'd pay to see that)
  • It's cuz you looked like a giant peanut, Skrik!
  • On Maui in the late 'sixties, the dirt road that went through Ulupalakua was across open range land. Bulls would team up: one would lie on the road and force the odd car that would come by to stop. The other would flip the stopped car, as long as it was small enough. VW Beetles were their favorite, maybe they rolled especially nicely.
  • Christ. I've been there in my Seicento. Worst thing that happened to me was a monkey raped my wing mirror.
  • Well it's fucking bright yellow, them critters thought you were a rolling barrel of pus.
  • Well, that's not actually my Seicento. It was merely an example to show the boiled-sweet size/shape of the blighter. Mine's blue.