February 21, 2006
Pig cells cure monkey diabetes.
Rest easy, simians. The latest study involved only a dozen monkeys. But it showed "proof of principle" that pig cells can cure animals that are "one step away from humans," said Dr. Bernhard Hering.
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PHIL (Public Health Image Library)
An amazing collection of images, illustrations, and videos collected by the CDC. Ranging from statistics on HIV to US Navy veneral disease posters.
February 20, 2006
How low can you go?! A collection of nifty cool sexy cutie weird & wild basses. Y'all bladder rumblers get some.
via some place
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The only optimist in City17
A comic strip created using the excellent Garys mod that is both funny and slightly surreal. If you've played Half-Life 2 then you'll get an extra kick out of this.
Get with the George Liquor program.
I'm a week late in posting this, but in case you haven't seen it yet, check out a new caricature blog from John Kricfalusi, creator of The Ren and Stimpy Show. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
February 19, 2006
Cheney's got a lady!
OOoooOOooooO.... Mr. Vice Prez is being naughty! Wow, she even looks like Lynne!
Dan Flavin plays with light
in a show at the Hayward Gallery. Best use of fluorescent tubes since making fake light sabers and eye injuries. Oh, and there's this (yet more Flash Req'd). Shine on, you crazy Monkies!
Vietnam bans booze in karaoke bars
in a move to help "in curbing serious social evils". I guess we won't be holding the next MoFi meetup there then.
Curling, curling with desire!
(Quicktime direct link) The Swedish national women's curling team do what Swedes do best to promote their team: appear in a deathmetal music video with Hammerfall. It's in English! Here's the Windows Media link, too.
A complete lack of morals.
Woman loses camera in Hawaii. Canadien familly finds camera. Woman politely asks for camera back. Family refuses, saying that their 9 year old son loves the camera, and they "can't bear to take it from him."
I find this behaviour on the part of the family to be utterly despicable, and I can't see how they think they are instilling good values in their son--what with promoting stealing and all. I am shocked.
I find this behaviour on the part of the family to be utterly despicable, and I can't see how they think they are instilling good values in their son--what with promoting stealing and all. I am shocked.
Earth at Night
What if you could see Google Maps/Google Earth at night? You can, and at dusk, day, and other options as well. Similar to the last link in this post but more fun because you can navigate the world.
Old pottery recorded sounds
(2 minute, >5MB, mp4 video, in French, from the Lire la vidéo link here). Apparently scientists have decoded the grooves on ancient pottery, which acted as crude sound recording, to get a short snippet of the voices and laughter of the potters. Video includes short sample of the sound. Too cool! [via]
Will we let Jill Carroll be killed?
Philosopher Peter Singer on kidnapped journalist Jill Carroll. (Via C&L.)
February 18, 2006
Cool Guitar Tuner
A great little utility for tuning up...
Shamelessly stolen instantaneously from mefi.
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February 17, 2006
Fascinating article
and discussion about how careless users leave password files, payroll data and other stuff out there for anyone to find, with just a simple Google search. Not only an interesting read, but fun to try on your own.
Just been wandering tonight - it seems there is a whole industry devoted to this - how to fix - how to find out if it is your partner etc. If you chose to follow the link you will find the inevitable christian guidance and porn sites - but i was just wondering??? (Oh and the hard boiled detective novel developing in another thread also caused this!!)
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Resource Discovery Network
"the UK's free national gateway to Internet resources for the learning, teaching and research community". Portal to a veritable shed-load of stuff.