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February 21, 2006

Curious George: Chiropractic Quackery? Or Legit? more inside
More abandoned places: a Japanese amusement park.
Papa Ratzi demands royalties for his writings. Guess he's short for cash. You wouldn't believe what a money-pit he's living in...
Ron DeCorte's Notebook I don't wear a watch. Don't even like 'em really. This site is all about watches and is fantastically amazing. Get yer geek on. I may or may not have gotten this through MeFi. Ain't tellin'.
Philip K Dick is missing. The robot Phil Dick simulacrum that was made for Nexfest and whose code contains contribution by a home monkey, has gone missing or absconded, driven by the urge for replicant freedom. They are going to send out special police squads to find it. This is not called execution. This is called retirement. I told you we are only renting space in PKD's universe. Things may get weird. As your attorney I urge you to start drinking heavily.
Pig cells cure monkey diabetes. Rest easy, simians. The latest study involved only a dozen monkeys. But it showed "proof of principle" that pig cells can cure animals that are "one step away from humans," said Dr. Bernhard Hering. more inside
PHIL (Public Health Image Library) An amazing collection of images, illustrations, and videos collected by the CDC. Ranging from statistics on HIV to US Navy veneral disease posters.