February 21, 2006
Pig cells cure monkey diabetes.
Rest easy, simians. The latest study involved only a dozen monkeys. But it showed "proof of principle" that pig cells can cure animals that are "one step away from humans," said Dr. Bernhard Hering.
Methinks "monkey diabetes" is too wordy. "Monkabetes," perhaps?
Maybe now that kid will give the camera back?
We would need to use monkey cells on him I fear; for he is a son of pigs.
I'm diabetic. Should I eat a lot of pork chops and monkey brains?
I have a hard time getting excited, because I've been hearing for sixteen years that the cure is just around the corner. And no, damnitkage! Thos pigs have work to do!
nprigoda, welcome new monkey!
Welcome new Canadian monkey! Mind if we frisk ye?
Diabetes reversed in mice.
*puts mouse ears on, heads north*
*vacuums igloo in case of company*