April 27, 2006

Matchbox Car Chase. Embedded video thingy with sound etc. Worth it for the Apoo and West Country voices of the cops alone.
引き篭り (hikikomori) is often described as a recent phenomenon which is seen mainly in Japan - but how does it compare to the time-honoured tradition of hermits? Is it unnatural to pursue solitude? more inside
Superstar Varla Jean Merman more inside
Designer dogs are all the rage. They've been discussed here before. But can you tell the "real" designer dog from its humble cousin the shelter dog? Take the test and find out... more inside
Curious George: Small laptops I'm looking into getting a smaller laptop for writing and web development. I've been looking at the 12" iBook, and some of the smaller PC laptops as well. Any suggestions for useful, portable laptops? more inside

April 26, 2006

O, trembling horror! For some of us still without a brood, this reads true verbatim. O, horror! [VIA memepool]
William Burroughs Book Covers Via Screenhead & The Presurfer
Curious Poetical George: Night Poetry I'm looking for Poems about night. more inside
Kingda Ka holds the current records for tallest (456 feet) and fastest (128 mph) roller coaster in the world. Purists still love the old wooden coasters, while the Japanese seem to like longer rides, including the 8,133 foot long Steel Dragon 2000. Not everyone is a fan, however.
Curious, George: OSX Keychain Help. I need to change the password on my Keychain, but I don't know the old one. How do I change a password withold knowing the current one?
Vidstone. The personalised memorial stone featuring a video slide show (with sound) of the loved one's most precious moments. W. T. F.
Drag Legend, Jackie Beat
Stealth campaign of super-wealthy to repeal U.S. federal estate tax revealed. Meanwhile, President Bush "wants to eliminate what he likes to call the 'death tax'" at the same time as "he wants to end Social Security's lump sum death benefit -- a $255 check that the families of many of the nation's poorest use to help pay for their funerals." (Second link from Business Week, of all places.) more inside
Abstract Caricatures You'll probably get most of these without looking at the title, but you probably won't understand why.
Which Sports Care are You? One is a Porche 911. Not a car of choice though.
One of our own has put an end to a really useful site. Say goodbye (and if you're new to it, hello) to the LazyWeb, created by Ben Hammersley -- aka DangerIsMyMiddleName -- in 2002, a source of obscure answers for geeks all over. Now its time has come. more inside
PetFilter We need more puppies and kittens around here... Howsabout we use this link to post photos of our adorable pets and discuss?

April 25, 2006

Mr. Hurt Head and other models used in medical training. Some funny, some disturbing. more inside
The premier web site for tea drinkers who are keen on sitting down and biscuits. more inside
There's never a half-brick handy when you want one. Pilot gets trapped (before take off) in plane by dodgy canopy. Arf.
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