April 25, 2006

Mr. Hurt Head and other models used in medical training. Some funny, some disturbing.

We use this company's educational products at work, but I never knew they had a health care division until I ran across their catalog today. To anyone involved in health care or related fields it's a big "so what," but as a layperson, I found it a bizarre and slightly unsettling peek into the lives of the men and women who keep us healthy and the training they go through. And it raises questions like "Who is 'Airway Larry' named after?" "Why can't I have a 'Deluxe Brain?'" "Did the guy who posed for 'Fat Old Fred'" know what they were going to name his likeness?" And for the lowest common denominator in all of us, they have naughty bits. And other naughty bits.

  • Testicles: one lump or two?
  • MonkeyFilter: Testicles: one lump or two Just remember: We need to take care of the naughty bits. Or you'll wind up like Fat Old Fred--missing parts!
  • Man, all I need is a ShopVac and a few thousand dollars and I could totally cobble together an unholy consort out of that stuff, avoiding the inevitable dirty nails and lower back stiffness that come with grave-robbing! Throws spade and wheelbarrow out window, does Happy Ghoul Dance
  • a shopvac????????????
  • Ummm, maybe this is a dumb question, but as a person who does not own a pair of breasts (I have, however, rented a pair from time to time, a practice that I highly recommend), what's the deal about the "wearable" breast self-examination model? I mean, if you have breasts, how do you fit into to the fake breasts? Better still, if you have breasts, why do you NEED fake breasts to play around with? And why is it I have a feeling that I am going to regret asking these questions?
  • I think these fellers come prelumped, so's you know what yer fellin' fer when you try the real thing
  • two taglines in one post? way to go Ralphie! MonkeyFilter: Why is it I have a feeling that I am going to regret asking these questions?
  • At high school I remember some health class where the teacher passed around a couple of fake breasts with lumps so we knew what they felt like. It felt like they'd put a couple of pennies inside a stuffed stocking that was vaguely breast-shaped. They weren't for wearing though, just squeezing.
  • Monkeyfilter: Not for wearing, just for squeezing.
  • I didn't see him on the site, but my favorite manikin from rescue training is the baby in utero, complete with placenta, umbilical cord, uterus, and cervix. The best birth control I've ever encountered was my instructor standing at the front of the class saying, "and this is how big the cervix should be when delivery begins...this is how big it gets during delivery..."
  • Add some excitement to your next Halloween party.
  • At $852 it features financial trauma, compound wallet fracture, and deviated bank account.
  • "Rented", eh?
  • Officer: "Do you have anything to declare? Whats in the suitcase?" R. Mutt: "Well ... um .... its a Deluxe Wearable Breast Self-Examination Model, Sir."
  • Yes, Nick. Rented. And you'd be surprised what they get per hour. Or then again, maybe you wouldn't.
  • we'd probably be surprised what they get per boob, too.
  • I'll have to jiggle my bank account and splurge on one.
  • Roly, somehow when you say that, it sounds so... dirty.