April 25, 2006

There's never a half-brick handy when you want one. Pilot gets trapped (before take off) in plane by dodgy canopy. Arf.
  • I wonder if it was covered by the warranty.
  • He could have just forced it from the inside. Hit the eject button -- voila! Problem solved.
  • Add that to the long, long list of reasons I'll never be a pilot.
  • Up until now, "getting stuck in the cockpit" was just a euphemism. Darned literalists.
  • This link would be worthless without the pics. Nice link!
  • What's a half-brick? Darned Brits, why can't they speak English . .
  • Fer cryin' out loud, Pete! First you have a whole brick, then you cut it in two, then it's a half-brick. It's the Air Force answer to the $500,000 hammer. sheesh!
  • Jeez, it took them 5 hours to get the pilot out. No wonder he looks at little pissed off.
  • No wonder the cockpit looks a little pissed in.
  • So he could've, like, used a whole brick...
  • The ikkle pilot looks so sad in that first pic. Made the thing post-worthy in my opinion.
  • Probably should have asked here. Is there anyway for Americans to get your t-shirts, kitfisto?
  • ...or better yet, ask on your blog. Oh well.
  • just emailed you...