July 02, 2006
An online archive of sci-fi, fantasy, and just plain strange costume.
Want that costume you wore for the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con to live again? Well, what about the con that's just about the costumes, to heck with the rest of the convention trappings!
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Piscean Paraballein ..
The true Origin of Christian "FISH" Symbol Might Outrage ..."
FontEditor BitFontMaker
- does this work?
Putting your existence into perspective.
Perhaps the coolest thing I've seen in weeks. [Warning--Foregin Forums!]
What's on your desktop?
You've seen this before on Fark (and probably other sites as well); it's nothing new. However, I thought it would be interesting if we shared the virtual environments that many of us work and play in every day. That said, show us your desktop, monkeys! Give us a glance into your private world.
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July 01, 2006
Cup Noodle
You've just finished with a Crisis and are starting on a Civil War, but prepare yourself for the only comics that has truely touched all of out lives...CUP NOODLE: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL!!!
A rare behemoth of a beetle
has been found in Wales, UK, where it was thought extinct since the 1700s.
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The 2006 Tour de France starts tomorrow...
and some of the best contenders have been banned from the Tour, with possibly many more ejections to come. This all stems from a Spanish doping investigation called Operacion Puerto, which has apparently been building up for a while.
see also
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Curious George - Where should I go?
I've got about a month and a week starting in early August off from work and was considering a trip. I'm thinking Europe as I have never traveled that side of the pond but am open to alternate ideas.
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Curious George: Name my friends bar
So my friend is opening a sports lounge bar in a basement space and they need an awesome catchy name. Any monkeys have sugestions?
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June 30, 2006
The Newbie's Guide to Detecting the NSA
It's not surprising that an expert hired by EFF should produce an analysis that supports the group's case against AT&T. But last week's public court filing of a redacted statement by J. Scott Marcus is still worth reading for the obvious expertise of its author, and the cunning insights he draws from the AT&T spy documents.
. . . With that in mind, here's the 27B Stroke 6 guide to detecting if your traffic is being funneled into the (AT&T) secret room on San Francisco's Folsom street.
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Ails and Tails
One has discovered than one is an Ailurophile.
Given their venerable history, is it better to be thus than to be an Ailurophobe?
London Meetup MCVII (or something)
I'm going to UK in mid-August, so....
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Awesome Periodic Table of the Elements in Flash
and another one that's not quite as awesome but super all the same done with Ajax.
Requires FLASH for the first one, & JavaScript enabled in your browser for the second. SFW. No sound. Duh.
Singh, the man with the hat, Marwari, the horse with the ears
If God didn't create the horse,
He wouldn't have created the Rajputs
The battle horse, animated, proud
A beautiful American and a handsome Singh team up to save the modern Marwari
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and Splashening. Home made high-speed photography.