June 30, 2006
and Splashening. Home made high-speed photography.
This post could have gone so so wrong. Thank you for being polite.
This post could have gone so so wrong. As in: "Imagine the applications for this technology in porn!" kind of wrong? Yeah, I'm back and I'm bad.
Yes, wendell, just like that. You must be reading my mind, which happens to be in the gutter.
does that mean Wendells' eyes are in the gutter??
Oh, oh. Is that what I've been poking with this stick?
We are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the sky... ...or something. I do de rock, myself. It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Oh, wait, thanks to BlueHorse, it IS a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Well, I just hope you caught it on your ultra-high-speed camera, becasue there ain't gonna be a "Take Two"... *Leaves in a huff* Aw, I've got time, I'll leave in a minute-and-a-huff. And if you want to see more Great Blatherings from Wendell's Alleged Mind, call your pubic television station now, and make a pledge... or an endust... or an olde english, whatever brand you prefer... And remember the "U" in Pubic TV is right after the "P"... Speaking of which, here's another high-speed-picture of a splash...