June 30, 2006
Ails and Tails
One has discovered than one is an Ailurophile.
Given their venerable history, is it better to be thus than to be an Ailurophobe?
Lubs dat iddybiddyliddlekiddy
Awesome link! That website has definitions for, like, every word in the world. Now I can finally know what all those big words mean. I've bookmarked it and will be referencing it often. Thanks!
Somebody's already looked up "referencing", I see...
jeraboam, are you high?
Pretty good company on either team.
One is ailurophilic of cats one sees especially kittens one likes to tease but the dandered blighters make one sneeze one fancies cats who live in trees.
Don't forget ginger toms that chase bears!
Ye know, what's fretting me is that you haven't spoken of Tallulah since saying she was in quarantine, jeraboam. HOW IS SHE? And don't tell us you let a cat eat her.
rocket88, there's also the american heritage dictionary on bartleby.com. it's the same sort of idea - a list of words with definitions. if you're completely new to this form of reference material, you might want to check it out. if certain words you have trouble with aren't listed in m-w, you might find them in the american heritage.
Huh. I assumed that an ailurophile was a garlic lover. Ah, the allure of l'ail!
seconding beeswacky's request for galah news.
fish,one hears from one's hippy friends that feeding garlic to one's feline unit will keep the fleas away. One enjoys talking like Jeeves!
It's O.K. to love your cat...just don't LOOOOVE your cat.
I love little pussy, Her coat is so warm. And if I don't hurt her She'll do me no harm. So I won't pull her tail Nor drive her away, And pussy and I Together will stay.
Salutations Beeswacky and Pallas Athena. Tallulah is healthy and 'melodiously' appreciative of her luxuriously apointed parrot apartment. She is even more appreciative of her hours of freedom wherein her reconnaissance flights about one's abode allow her to alight upon favoured strategic points. At each of these points, she engages in activities in which her preferred weapon of destruction is thoroughly employed. One's picture frames, blinds and door frames have become but mere remnants of former glory. One may add, that one has become expert with the extra strength cleaning solution and that one rarely requires a haircut. Tallulah appears to hold the opinion that the human head is a most satisfactory perch and that human hair is a most delectable tidbit. One's recently acquired cats (two) have been subject to extreme intimidation and thus greet Tallulah's hours in command of her domain with appropriate 'shock and awe'. They have found the sofa to be a suitable 'safe house' from which to view the chaos and destruction in safety.
UN-, in reply to your pithy enquiry. One is not 'high,' being positioned a mere 360 metres above sea level. ; P
In anticipation of enquiry; the ailouros', now in 'second command' within Tallulah's domain are named Mushroom and Chewbacca. Informally known as 'Shroom' and 'Chewie.' (Wince!) One refuses to allow them egress to a wider world. One's courage shrivels in anticipation of the humiliation inherent in the act of calling them indoors to consume their evening repast. : ) Additional greetings,The underpants Monster. Sir, Jeeves was an amateur!
Thanks, jereboam -- glad to hear she's doing well. Better she intimidates the cats than engage in play with them. How old are the cats?
Wunwun won one race for one TuTu won one too Poor old Three came in behind but geez he made good glue.