August 10, 2006
Emotions and the brain.
Neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux seeks a biological rather than psychological understanding of our emotions. He explores the differences between emotional memories (implicit--unconscious--memories) processed in pathways that take information into the amygdala, and memories of emotion (explicit--conscious--memories) processed at the level of the hippocampus and neocortex.
(video, audio)
Baby Rock
Are you one of those parents who thinks Baby Mozart is crap? Me too. Good news - now you can rock out with your tot out: Metallica, Zep and Tool among others.
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NASA Lost the Tape!
But just 37 years after Apollo 11, it is feared the magnetic tapes that recorded the first moon walk . . .have gone missing at NASA's Goddard Space Centre in Maryland.
Misplaced the evidence eh? Perhaps it was all a hoax! Or was it?
via /.
The Cook's Thesaurus
is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.
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The Tesla Purple Energy Shield
This small device is truly remarkable in every way. Aside from delivering vast quantities of new life force energy to the human body, it brings illumination to the mind and tranquility to the soul. If you've been looking for something to enhance your manifesting skills, retard aging, and delay fatigue, look no further.
AOL Search Queries as Narrative
AOL released a bunch of search query information recently. Interestingly, the information shows you who searched for what and when. AOL Stalker reveals the thoughts of the person stalked. This is one example, but this is my favorite, user 1890315, who goes from country music to incest to knoxville real estate to bestiality to Elvis..... Wait, no, my favorite is this one.
AOL Stalker promises to remove entries that identify a user, as if it matters.
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Urban Exploration
I find sites that document the changing nature of America's greatest city to be fascinating xercises in remembrance.
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- 99 tracks, 6 cd set of Rembetika like you've never heard before. All the old familiar tunes done with such brilliance,and flair with new sounds and instrumentation, bringing the whole era of the Rembetis back once more. OPA! [MP3!]
It's back.
One of three thoroughly smashed earlier this year by a museum regular who was subsequently banned indefinitely for his Norman Wisdom moment has been repaired and is back on display.
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August 09, 2006
Picture Postcards.
For most art exibitions there is inevitably the picture postcard with a defining piece on it. Have fun browsing this massive archive of them. NSFW.
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Curious George- DIY 101
Does anyone have any tips for someone (me) with a budding interest in building stuff?
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Citizen journalism vs. traditional journalism.
"...the content of most citizen journalism will be familiar to anybody who has ever read a church or community newsletter—it’s heartwarming and it probably adds to the store of good things in the world, but it does not mount the collective challenge to power which the traditional media are supposedly too timid to take up." Do you agree?
We've all heard about toxoplasmosis,
a common parasite found in cats (especially if you or your partner has ever been pregnant). Kevin Lafferty, a parasite ecologist, believes the parasite may cause big personality changes in humans.
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Well, did he open it or not?
Ain't nothing that a good blow with a sledgehammer can't fix.
Some sort of silk spinning larvae that are turning this Norwegian suburb into a Tim Burton/Terry Gilliam type nightmare
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