August 10, 2006

a novel user interface that goes into your face
  • It's only a matter of time before Apple buys the idea and sells it for the iPod.
  • I don't care what you tell me it tastes like. I am not sticking THAT THING in my mouth. However, I can get behind a scratch-n-sniff peripheral.
  • This is where I would make some lollipop/sex toy joke, if I weren't so dang tired.
  • Gentlemen, start your licking! Yeah, I've seen that movie too....
  • It'll catch on sooner or later, all it will take is to find the right application. Monkeyfilter: I don't care what you tell me it tastes like
  • So how is this thing going to help us better appreciate novels? I mean the article doesn't tell us.
  • Participants suck on lollipops embedded with sensors to control robotic babies in a race That is just surreal. I just don't know what to make of that.