September 23, 2006

How to Be Sizzling Hot - Guide for Men - Do you want to be sizzling hot? "I know it's difficult for the women not to be affected by the constant bombardment of images of male perfection everywhere. It's understandable that when they look at those pictures of huge biceps and chiseled chins and then look over at you stuffing your fat face with nachos, they can't hide the look of disgust on their faces."
Dandiya fever is breaking out again across India as Navratri, the nine-day festival of dancing and fasting in honour of Durga comes round again. more inside
Torture's Long Shadow -- A Soviet Dissident's Advice to the US One nasty morning Comrade Stalin discovered that his favorite pipe was missing. Naturally, he called in his henchman, Lavrenti Beria, and instructed him to find the pipe. A few hours later, Stalin found it in his desk and called off the search. "But, Comrade Stalin," stammered Beria, "five suspects have already confessed to stealing it." more inside
Disaster and Alert Map Of the world. The National Association of Radio-Distress Signalling and Infocommunications keeps an updated map on current world disasters, forebodings, and crises. more inside

September 22, 2006

Curious George; My hosting company (Dreamhost) is having serious problems. I need a reliable hosting company. Suggestions?
Banned Book Week 2006, organised by the ALA marks the 25th anniversary of the event There are texts of some famous banned books online. more inside
War On Terror. The board game.
The Terranaut: like a fish needs a bicycle
Johnny Cash Prepaid Visa more inside

September 21, 2006

Have you ever met Jodi? I don't know what you could get from her. But I'm sure it's something. Don't be fooled by the copyright date. And be sure to click on the blinking square.
NewsFilter: Branson pledges $3B to fight global warming. Branson on global warming, Gates on AIDS -- good news, but sad that it's up to insanely-rich individuals to step up where governments are failing to act...
Working from home? Get a business bib. via core 77
Fun is the theme of the first exhibition (part of the Liverpool Biennial) from Digital Show, a new site for digital art. more inside
JRR Tolkien reads and sings The Lord of the Rings
Fags cause AIDS It's official.
Don Walser, RIP. If you've never heard Mr. Walser, you can find clips of the Austin country and western singer/yodeller (who frequently opened Butthole Surfers shows) here. Enjoy the great open range in the sky, Don.
Booze hound? Yer woofin' me Kitties go to the library, Can't doggies go somewhere? Wine not!

September 20, 2006

Ticke-Me Elmo X Vibrating action is so passe. The new Tickle-Me Elmo (youtube) falls on his ass, has a seizure, and then stands himself back up while making horrible grinding noises that will haunt my dreams. more inside
God is Imaginary.
Star Diary via plep more inside
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