September 21, 2006
Wow, great find, dng.
Long was it in the downloading, but at least now I'll have something to listen to on my journey West over Sea.
John Tolkien couldn't sing, & he was a loony. Glad I didn't know about these LPs when I was 10 & getting heavily into his mythology while traipsing about the English woods & imagining Orcs, otherwise I might have turned into a hermitic, luddite, mediaevalist pervert. oops. Too late.
I tend to regard art as falling into one of two broad categories: 1)where the product (the novel, the written poem, the drawing, the print, the statue, the Ming vase, the comic strip/cartoon etc) sits there leaving the audience (reader, viewer etc) to do all the imaginative work of building on whatever's perceived, and 2)products where other folk do most of the imaginative/creative fleshing out of things for ye (theatre, movies, ballet, opera, music, puppet shows, dance troupes, television etc), and what one tends as audience to do is react rather than participate in the experience. Radio and sound recordings are unusual in that they can occupy a middle ground especially when music isn't a major component. Listening to most poets read or recite certainly does far less for me than reading their work ever does. Find I can live happily without many of the #2 products, but not without the #1s. As for loony, well, I could do with more of 'em if they would just write as well as Tolkien.
Hear, hear, bees! This from a loony who likes to think she can sing
Oh, dont' get me wrongo; I'm all for loonies.
Yay loonies!!!
Most of the best people I know are loonies. Especially the creative types. I once heard John Cleese speak of the late Graham Chapman as "a wonderful, gentle loony." From the tone of his voice, it sounded like he was paying the man the biggest compliment he could think of.
Where On Earth Was Middle-earth?
Bollocks. Imladris was temperate.
"Beowulf" vs. "The Lord of the Rings": One is a living universe, the other a 3-D voyage to schlockville. A great essay by Tolkien helps us understand why.
Russian Lord of the Rings
Listen to J.R.R. Tolkien read his poem Namárië in Elvish
J.R.R. Tolkien Snubs a German Publisher Asking for Proof of His “Aryan Descent” (1938)