September 20, 2006

God is Imaginary.
  • Proof #36 - Realize that God is impossible I don't think that's right. Somehow.
  • Oh, this is as witty as they way one can Prove God Exists by Asking Him to Come Into Your Life. Atheists can be stupid too, but I'm not so sure this site isn't designed to attract the potential faithful and not the other way around.
  • The setup of the first site is a little wierd. Link didn't point to where I wanted it.
  • publisher behind this and appears to be marshall brain, founder of i doubt he's trawling for the faithful.
  • To say that something is imaginary doesn't make it meaningless. Culture is imaginary, but it certainly has power.
  • No, I suppose not, but I think some of his arguments are ignoratio elenchi. ( ie., the actions of the followers logically have no bearing on the falsity of the metaphysical hypothesis. The fact that people are hypocrites doesn't have anything to do with God, excepting that why would a perfect being create hypocritical people. Bad arguments don't do anything to help your cause.
  • The fact that people are hypocrites doesn't have anything to do with God, excepting that why would a perfect being create hypocritical people. He is falling into the trap of conflating religion with belief in God. They are awfully intertwined, but the criticisms are indeed quite different. On the other hand, religious people often use this as a dodge to deflect criticism about their belief systems.
  • Culture is imaginary Really? I think abstract was the word you were looking for. Culture is hardly imaginary.
  • Yeah, I was thinking that to. I mean, I'll attack the believers as well, but not as trying to argue against God. You don't argue a negative, you ask the opposition to prove a positive and fail.
  • I like this site, it's well-written and graphically attractive. As for the proofs, unfortunately you can't prove something to be imaginary. It's rhetorically interesting to call these proofs but they really aren't. Had to say I liked the one about counting all the people that God wants to murder.
  • That is a good one.
  • It all boils down to "What does God need with a starship?"
  • Duh. Gog needs the starship to drop the thetans in the volcanos.
  • heh. Gog=God.
  • Too late, Nunia, now we all know you are secretly a Gog worshipper.
  • Down with Gog! Up with Magog!
  • PRAISE GOG! Gog healed my amputated common sense.
  • Down with Gog! Up with Magog! How can anyone go for a god named after a lake? A very pretty lake, yes, but nevertheless just a lake. I'm thoroughly disturbed at the lack of faith in Mothra around here lately. I think some smiting is in order... *turns on porchlight*
  • That sounds reasonable to me. I'll take a brochure, please. And also a subscription and one of those gift packs.
  • a perfect being . . is in itself illogical, or at least incompatible with the concept of time as perfection requires an end state. The perfect ice cream sundae is not perfect for long. And Mothra will smote all ye Goggists with popcorn and large diet sodas of fire! And the screaming and throwing of playbills and raisinets and the like, m'wHAyy.
  • From the wiki article on Gog and Magog: "The army of Gog and Magog primarily includes people from the nations of Gog, Gomer, Tubal, Meshech, and the house of Togarmah from the North, the latter of which are mentioned as descendants of Japheth in Genesis" ...and everyone knows not to fuck with the nation of Tubal.
  • ...On the other hand the nation of Gomer gets fucked continuously.
  • "Goooolleee! That sure is one big moth! Shaza-(*scene of unimaginable destruction*)!"
  • hmmm...i've always thought the continued existence of everything was the best argument in favor of god... athiests make me laugh. and feel pity. panthiests turn my crank. (basically you take the gaia theory and scale it up) mostly this guy can't keep his definition of god straight, nor can he keep his arguments in the correct arena. He's perfectly capable of using science to brush off YHVH, but when it comes to the arguments of science and logic...he turns to the BIBLE(?!) for refutation? what a maroon... (ps i keep my porch light on for mothra as well capn R)
  • * considers forsaking the Gog for the pantyism*
  • Praise Gog from whom all panties flow, Praise Gog for hookers here below, Praise Gog who drilled the Glory Hole, Praise Gog, Magog, and Stripper Pole. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-mennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
  • Figures of Gog and Magog appear in the Lord Mayor's Show every year in the City of London. These, however, are a confused memory of the figures of Gogmagog and Corineus which used to appear many centuries ago. Gogmagog was the giant fought by Corineus, one of the Trojans accompanying Brutus on his first arrival in the island not then known as Britain, but subseqently so named after Brutus himself. Gogmagog's colossal body can still be seen in the shape of the Gogmagog hills in Wales. I hope this helps in some way.
  • *turns on bug zapper*
  • perfection requires an end state Really? When I think perfection, I think eternal, or even outside/transcending time, or something of which time is a part rather than vice-versa.
  • Gogmagog's colossal body can still be seen in the shape of the Gogmagog hills in Wales. His ass is truly grass.
  • Hey, I thought we already proved God doesn't exist in a previous thread?
  • We proved it depended on how you defined God. So if God is Communist, then yeah, he doesn't exist. But if he's a neo-Marxist-Lenninist-Pig then he exists on alternate Tuesdays.
  • What if God is complex, in other words, both imaginary and real, like (1+i)?
  • I am not imaginary. *SMITES*
  • *braces for smiting* Oh yeah. I've been waiting all day for this.
  • dog goddog godsdog doggod magog grogdog HMMM....That ones gotta be a a FPP!
  • I've come to the conclusion that anyone who considers it possible to prove or disprove God simply cannot be taken seriously.
  • I agree with your Nickdanger. Although I would point out that something like this makes it hard to accept the Bible. I disagree it disproves God, but the site seems to accomplish what it is trying to do in the sense of creating a very large amount of doubt.
  • Uggh, typo. your = you,
  • I'd like to see you prove that conclusively, NickD.
  • Also, everyone knows that pointing out the absurdity of old testament law is best done in Legos.
  • ...and everyone knows not to fuck with the nation of Tubal. Damn straight, those folks are quick to sue your ass if they take a mind to... damn Tubal Litigation.
  • See, the fucked up thing is that the bible was current 2000 years ago. It needs an updating, some new virus protection software, maybe even a new HDD.
  • You know, layne, I spent all day trying to come up with a "tubal ligation" joke that would work and nothing came up. Darn you to heck!
  • You could sue him with some Tubal Litigation. Yeah, got nuthin.
  • Oh, wait, layne already said that. Carry on, then. Damned Tubal limitations.
  • "...Tubal Litigation..." layne, lady layne FTW
  • smote smite smitten - would the wrathful tubals have anything to do with the vase that hectored me?
  • Smut!
  • You funny monkeys! Please continue, I frivol away in novel delight. On with the show!
  • Anyone for some tubal libations?
  • Yeah, make mine a Tuba Libre.
  • I've come to the conclusion that anyone who considers it possible to prove or disprove X simply cannot be taken seriously. For a good time, replace X with "Santa Claus", "Invisible Pink Unicorns", "FSM", etc. Why don't people (er, adults, that is...) believe in Santa Claus if he cannot be proven not to exist? Science would be pretty useless if we had to spend all our time disproving the existance of, well, anything that anyone could ever imagine...
  • Oh yeah? disprove it!
  • /me disproves it
  • I think there's a vast difference between a broadly defined possibility of "transcendent or transcendental power, or its attributes or manifestations in the world," and a specifically defined folk character whimsically invoked for the amusement of children. Mad-libs makes for a pretty poor rhetorical technique.
  • VertexOfLife rules!
  • Correction! After Chyren, of course.
  • When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
  • /me disproves it mmmhmm . . jrhvchrwrzzserthe carry the one . . thnvcgxerzsrw mmm hmmm yes . . cube root mmmhmm imaginary graviton remainder szwreshmner mmm hmm mm hmmm . . . dammit. It's watertight!
  • My logic is flawless.
  • I think there's a vast difference between a broadly defined possibility of "transcendent or transcendental power, or its attributes or manifestations in the world," and a specifically defined folk character whimsically invoked for the amusement of children. Why? The test is about proving/disproving something, not whether or not there's a qualitative difference in the things your aiming to prove/disprove. What's your threshold for "too important to disprove"? Jesus? Elvis? WMDs in Iraq?
  • No, no, TUM, Cape Cod is imaginary. Scrod is also imaginary.
  • Kneel before scrod!
  • Personally, I drool before scrod
  • 66 comments, and I can't believe no one(Myself included) has mentioned Grodd!!! We're slipping, primates!!!
  • You clod!
  • In the interest of juvenile humor, I think we should retire this thread at a hilarious "69 comments".
  • Dammit!
  • Pettle got post-pwnd.
  • Abner Jones I don't believe in Abner Jones; There's no convincing me. Dig him up! Display his bones; Impressed I shall not be. His registry of birth, 'tis true, Might fool the most naive. His fingerprints and photos, too, Might make some folks believe. Myself, I still am skeptical; I cherish niggling doubts. And, by St. Peter's testicles, I'm sure the truth will out! This Abner Jones is but a myth Designed to keep us down, Concocted by a robot with Agendas of his own. There are Lots of things I credit, Like the monster in the closet. ('Though it wants the under-bed, it Can't come up with the deposit.) But spare me all your "evidence" - Your little paper trail. Abner Jones? Ridiculous! A modern fairy tale.
  • "Gog and Magog slog grog in a bog while a frog flogs a hog", jogs Kylie Minogue in her blog. Also, kneel before Zod and all that.
  • *agog at cog*
  • *boggles*
  • boggis?
  • white courtesy telephone
  • bogus?
  • begorrah!
  • Bab edh-Dhra and Gomorrah went Tah-Tah in the Torah.
  • Who are these guys?
  • Sorry, briank. I can't take you seriously.
  • > Who are these guys? read up thread. same registrant.
  • Of course the Dharma-body of the Buddha was the hedge at the bottom of the garden. At the same time, and no less obviously, it was these flowers, it was anything that I -- or rather the blessed Not-I -- cared to look at. -- Aldous Huxlety
  • = Huxley